Chapter 3: Beautiful rain

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Author Notice: Hello again fellow viewers! Just wanna say thanks for my first 20 views! >w< Hope you guys are doing well! Back with another chapter- Enjoy!

No credits because I won't use any images or videos that aren't mine. 

It was 10:00 a.m. by the time the 2 stopped playing. Just then, Shu got a notification on his phone. Apparently, there was a photo spreading like wildfire across Beigoma...usually, Shu didn't want to have anything to do with this or that it didn't matter. However, this was different, because it did have to do with was a picture of Shu carrying Valt. Someone had edited it to look like Shu was massively blushing.

Valt saw it too. Even Rantaro. Shu felt his cheeks turn pink again, but he shook it off. He looked at Valt, who looked like he was still himself.

Valt POV
Oh....So that's how I got here, surprised he didn't just drag me all the way here -v-

Seriously...what's wrong with people these days. And why do I keep feeling this way? I can't...can I?

Rantaro POV
Why is it suddenly too quiet? Eh...

Third PER
'Thanks Shu!' Valt said as he broke the silence. Shu couldn't respond...but his lips formed an amused smile, and he didn't even realise it. Shu stood up and walked towards his room, locking the door, so he could give himself time to think about his feelings.

Ugh...What's happening to me? Why, just why? Guess I'm gay now, great. But why Valt? My very own childhood best friend?

Third PER
Meanwhile, Valt gave it a deeper thought. He thought it was normal for friends to help friends, but the longer he thought about it, the weirder he felt. 'Guys, I gotta go now!' Rantaro shouted as he opened the door. But neither of the 2 responded, lost in thought. 'Geez' Rantaro thought.

Half an hour later, it was time for Valt to go. By now, Shu was already outside of his room. 'Hey Shu, thanks again...I've got to go now,' said Valt. Water started falling from outside the window, it was raining. Shu stopped Valt before he could exit the apartment. ' shouldn't go alone, you'll get sick,' he stated. He got up and walked towards the door, grabbing an umbrella on his way. 'You want me to walk you?' He asked Valt. Valt smiled and nodded.

When outside, 2 guys came around. 'Hey, it's THE prodigy, and his lover,' one commented. Shu got annoyed, 'it's all just a misunderstanding,' he replied, trying to keep his cool. But just then, his cheeks started to get red, 'I'm not wasting anymore time,' he used as an excuse. He grabbed Valt's hand and left.

'The rain is so beautiful!' Valt happily stated. Shu then realised he was still holding Valt's hand, he almost immediately let go and hid his flustered face. 'Y-Yeah, it is,' Shu said to distract himself, still hiding his face. 'What's wrong?' Valt questioned. But Shu didn't reply and they carried on walking.

They soon reached Valt's home. 'We'll, we're here...' Shu said. Valt hugged Shu as a way as saying thank you. 'I'm so lucky to have a best friend like you!' He added. Shu could feel the sensation again, but this time, he hugged Valt back, he liked the feeling, it was cozy and warm.

Just as Valt opened the door, he saw something or rather someone who made his smile so wide. Even Shu was shocked.

Author Notice: Ayy, another chapter done! This one looks short to me though...or maybe it's because of the smaller paragraphs, lol. Hope you enjoyed! 

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