Chapter 2

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Renzo's POV

Waking up with a massive headache is not a good thing to start your day.

Dragging myself at the bathroom connected to my room, I cleaned up myself. Wrapping a towel around my waist. I grab the painkillers behind the mirror located at the top of the sink and gulp it down with water.

Going out of the bathroom, I went to the walk in closet. Grabbing a grey v-neck shirt, black pants, and a black beanie. Grabing my wallet, cellphone, and car keys at my night stand. I'm ready to go.

I don't have anything to do today, there are no deals that requires my attention. Dad and I are businessmen, so if there aren't deals we have time for ourselves. Our business is selling house and lot. We also have a company that sell cars. So instead of staying at my housee, I just decided to grab a coffee at the starbucks and go to the park. And the today is a beautiful day, the sun shinning bright, And the birds chirpping.

As I park my car. I went to the park and start walking while sipping at my drink. I found a bench near our old oak tree and went there to seat.


This is our first date together as a couple. Me and cheska went to a park and start up a picnic under a big old oak tree.

While Cheska is preparing the foods, I just keep watching the kids running around the park, some with their dogs.
I smiled, this is the life that I want. Being with the girl that I love, not caring about the world around us, just the two of us.

"Renzy, the food is ready."

Cheska snap me out of my thoughts.

"Alright chesky"

"Does it taste good?"

"Of course, it's a take out food" I said to her, teasing her about her lacking of skills in the food department.

She pouted and smack my arm playfully.

"You just hurt my feelings Renzy."

I just chuckled and brought her close to me.

"You know, I will eat everything that you will cook for me. Even though, that food will give me food poisoning" I said and I kissed her forehead.

She giggled. "I love you, Renzy"

"I love you more, Chesky"

After our first date. That big old oak tree is like the symbol of our love. It have our initials engraved in it.

R + C

With heart around it.

We even "tie a yellow ribbon around the old oak tree" to indicate that, that tree is ours. I know, we're being old fashioned but when you're inlove. You would do things that you thought you would't do.

I snap out of my thoughts. There is no point in looking back at the past, it just brings heart ache.

I took a one last sip of my drink and throw it at the nearest trash can.

I walk away from the park.

I walk away from the old oak tree.

And lastly, I walk away from the past, our past.

Towards my car and speeding off.



⇨ The first few chapters, is just getting to know the characters. So sorry if it's kinda borring. Just bear with me please.

⇨ This story have a lot of flashbacks.

⇨ The lady in red in the first chapter is Cheska, in case you haven't notice, It's their first encounter (in the club)

⇨ The italicize words, means he/she is in a flashback.

So hope that clears everything up. Next will be in Cheska's POV!

Don't forget to:


●picture on side/up is their old oak tree minus the yellow ribbon.

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