Chapter 25 - Bazar

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Toma rode through the familiar plains towards Ntsiag, the native village. It was the first warm day he had felt since his arrival to the island almost four moons prior. No longer having to wear his bison leather long-coat, he was dressed in the brilliance of his crimson military silk robe. To his left rode Ami in his bright purple governmental silks and to his right were three cavalrymen, selected by Ami and Stefano as Toma's personal guard. Miro's isolation and his outburst in Toma's villa had prompted Dini to lend Toma the coin to pay for his own personal guard to ward off possible assassination attempts. In the distance, wolves howled and a sea of antlers began to move on the horizon.

'Those wolves are growing in numbers,' Ami shouted over the battering of hooves against the dusty earth of the plains.

'We should increase fortifications and sentries along the periphery of the town,' Toma responded.

'We are fast running out of funds to pay for extra men, Sir. The increased taxation and growing food imports for our booming population is taking its toll. Dini has no doubt told you that we are a half-moon from bankruptcy?'

As they approached the edge of the burnt forest, the horses slowed to a trot. The beginnings of regrowth were emerging from the soot; flowers and grass patchily poking through the ashes.

'See if any men are willing to work for credit,' Toma said. 'Tell them they will be paid extra for their patience. The choice is theirs. More later or less now.'

'Trust in our conquest is waning, Sir. Perhaps if we simply told the people about what we found in the village –'

'Too many people know already. Who knows how many of his own men Dini has had to tell in order to strike his secret deals with the nobility? Inevitably my own personal guards know everything now,' Toma raised a hand towards the silent three cavalrymen to his right. 'No – if today fails, then all is lost either way and we will try to peacefully hand over the settlement to my successor and I will return to the empire to face the consequences.'

'You would willingly turn yourself in?' Ami said. 'Most people in your circumstance would flee to the free territories of the south or – well, flee anywhere rather than return to Duro City empty handed.'

Toma shook his head. 'I would have thought a cousin from the western ruins would know better – but of course, your tribe were all slaughtered when you were adopted by the empire – I have my family to fear for. If I disappear, it is my family who will pay my blood debt.'

Toma realised he had referred to Ami's origins in front of his guard and looked apologetically to Ami. Ami shook his head, 'They know about your plans to cheat the nobility out of their money with overpriced gold. We shall have to hope the salaries of your personal guard buys their silence too.'

The cavalrymen were silent and acted as if they had been unable to hear any words said by Toma and Ami.

'I chose guards whose families could easily be traced – so they would also have a blood debt to pay if any information were to go astray...' Ami sighed.

Toma sensed one of the cavalrymen shift uncomfortably but keep the customary silence of a personal guardsman.

Now, the group arrived at the edge of the village.

Toma sighed and looked at Ami: 'If this does not go according to plan, friend. Just know that I have enjoyed working with a cousin and I hope that your fate is more promising than my own.'

Ami nodded solemnly and began to dismount his horse.

'No,' Toma said. 'Dini said we are to enter on horseback.'

The horses made the impression that Dini seemed to have hoped for. As Toma arrived at the centre of the village, below the statue of Lord Yaotiacua, the crowd of villagers that had already amassed, stepped back in fear.

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