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Everyone was waiting for Pooja near their house shrine. Zea came and ask "why she have to get up this early after sleeping so late last night" . Simran inform her that it's a ritual and it's Sarawat first day he should cook something sweet and offered to God and everyone must present during Pooja in morning Zea just roll her eyes hearing the reason she ask to woke up early. She doesn't understand after meeting Sarawat, that why Tine is whipped for shy, unconfident and dumb middle class Sarawat, she knows she is more beautiful, smart and more rich then Sarawat's family and can be good match as Tine's life partner. She is more suitable in all areas but Tine's all attention is on his dumb wife all the time during marriage yesterday. Tine never once said yesterday she is looking pretty or beautiful even after spending 4 hours on getting ready and wearing heavy lehengaa full day. And Tine not even spare a glance at her as if she doesn't exist. She was already irritated with everyone attention flowing towards Sarawat . Teepakorn family is celebrating wedding like they won all the money of this world.

In kitchen after hearing tonight he is going to get punished. Sarawat body got stiffened under his husband's arms, he closed his eyes already feeling scared thinking about no one can save him tonight. Then both boys heard someone cleared their throat from behind and it's none other than Maya. She came to take Sarawat to complete his morning Pooja so that they all can have breakfast together. Sarawat tried to take of Tine's hand from his waist but Tine didn't budge and he remains on his spot holding his wife's waist in front of his maa like shameless person. But Moms know where her son get all this talent from.

Maya ask Sarawat that did he finished preparing his rice pudding. Sarawat nods his head and he pick-up his tray of pudding and start walking behind Maya and behind him was his husband. Both husband and wife reached in front of their personal shrine or say Pooja mandir, both boys bow their head and ask blessed them with Happiness in their life from god and goddess. Then Sarawat kept his pudding in front of the God's implications. After Pooja everyone settled down on dinning table for taking breakfast.

Maya and Simran started serving breakfast for everyone, and Sarawat sit between Tine and Type's son Ranveer. And he was passing dishes after serving his husband and Ranveer to Types hand. Type seems lost in his thoughts Sarawat ask him why he seems lost is he not feeling well. He just shake his head and said nothing he is fine. But in just few minutes someone came and interrupted their morning breakfast.

Ranveer immediately jump from his chair and run to Mike. Mike drop his luggage bag and hold Ranveer in his arms. The little boy already accepted and love his father's new boyfriend. Type gets up from his seat and went to Mike. Everyone was confused and trying to understand why their tsundere brother behaving like a shy person who brought his boyfriend first time to meet his parents. Specially Tine who immediately got up from his seat and annoyingly asked Mike "what you doing in my house early morning?". Type sigh he has to tell everyone before its too late, because he had to leave after breakfast for Banglore again.

Types looked at Maya and Mr Anshuman. He went close to Maya and said "Masi I like him and I want to marry him". Maya was beyond shocked but immediately squeal like a teenager fujoshi and she got up and hug Mike and kissed his cheeks and ask Mike to join them for breakfast. Raj Simran Arya everyone got happy that finally Type agreed for second marriage. Maya always worried for her nephew and she always felt bad for Type being all alone taking care of his son. She always considered Type as her own son. Type lost his husband few years back in an accident and after that he never agreed for second marriage. He was just satisfied with his life and with Ranveer but now when he agreed Maya and Anshuman were beyond happy for the the boys. Atleast he won't be alone from now and he got someone to share his life with. And most important Ranveer will get father who loves him and his papa so much.

At this point Tine don't know whether he kick Mike ass for messing with his wife name in Banglore or punch him hard for stealing his favorite cousin heart. Sarawat saw Tine getting furious over Mike. He understood That his husband definitely thinking to beat the shit out of Mike at the moment. He slowly hold his husband's hand and showed him puppy eyes to accept his friend relationship with his cousin. Tine expression completely took 180 degree turn watching his wife face and cute pleading look. Tine sigh loudly and he said " maa how do you trust Mike with bhai and Ranveer so easily I am sure he is a player". Maya lightly scold Tine by saying "baby you should call him jiju because Type is elder than you and not call him with name or by player and if Type like him I got no problem with that". Mr Anshuman asked everyone to start eating now before the atmosphere take another turn and gesture Mike to joined them. Mike came and sit beside Type and Ranveer on his lap to have breakfast with everything.

Raj being elder than Type and Tine he wanted to know Mike more although they already meet in engagement day but they didn't ask about personal stuff, so he ask Mike what he do for living , since how long he knows Type and about his family. Then everyone found out that he is also Sarawat best friend since childhood. Simran said squealing "what a small world". Then she ask in amusement how did he make Type agreed for marriage. Tine immediately inform them that he emotionally blackmailed bhai by cutting his wrists" everyone suddenly stopped eating and watch Mike in shocked. Mike internally scold himself for acting like a teenage love sike over his rejection. But Teepakorn family is little weird so Arya and Simran got amused suddenly got up from their seat and came to Mike to see Mike wrists cut marks and both said together "wow jiju you really love bhai so Cool". hearing praises for his stupidity Mike embarrassingly laugh and Tine mentally slapped himself for getting born in between weird family and meeting extra weird author and Readers. But after few chattering Maya and Anshuman both lightly scold Mike too and warn him next time if Type trouble him he should come to them and not harm himself then only they will accept him as a Teepakorn family member. Mike confidently said "There will be no next time because he got what he most desired for now he want to live his life happily with Type and Ranveer", Type cutely blush hearing his boyfriend, and he also promise he will take care of both from now on they're one family. Everyone cheered for Type and Mike and gave good wishes and congrulate them for their new relationship.

Sarawat was happily clapping for his best friend although his eyes were wet looking his friend extremely happy with his love and his son and now they are not just friend anymore but also belong to same family. Tine looked his wife in amusement while he is all clapping and smiling over his best friend new relationship as soon as Sarawat eyes catch Tine's eyes he stopped clapping and look down on his lap, not ready to look Tine again for some reason he knows Tine is not liking it.

Breakfast finished after an hour, Type and Mike with Ranveer bid their Goodbye and went to catch their flight for Bangalore. But both promise to come back again and to stay in Teepakorn Mansion for few days next time. After breakfast Simran and Arya help cleanup kitchen and do dishes. Maya ask Sarawat to get ready for visiting Guntithanon. House because Uma called to ask for her son, she is missing him and waiting for him desperately.

Sarawat went to his room and saw Tine is already getting ready putting his shirt to go to his office. He already piled lots of work he can't afford to add more into it. Sarawat went to the closet to grab clean towel for himself to use but when he passed from from behind Tine, his husband immediately hold his hand and pulled him to his chest and started kissing his neck. He slowly ask his wife "wifey you seems very happy for your friend there... hmm.... don't forget you are getting extra punished tonight". Sarawat felt Tine's hand all over his back roaming pressing him more to his chest. He holds Tine arms in one hand and his shoulder in one hand firmly. Sarawat was about to say " bun....... I" someone knocked on their door.

Sarawat immediately pushed Tine away and speed walk to open his bedroom door, it was Arya she came to give message from her Dad she said " bhai dad already left and he ask you after dropping Wat jiju you directly come to office and you should reach before noon". Tine said yeah and ask his little sister to go now. Sarawat closed the door behind him and walk towards bathroom to get fresh before Tine catch him again.

Sarawat : I m so happy today Mikey 🥳

Mike : me too so so happy🥳🤠

Type : me three so so happy finally we got a chapter in this fic 😎

Tine : just say you both need attention here huh...

Zea : what somebody need attention ...

Sarawat : yes I guess you bitch🙄

Zea: nope I don't need your's.. I only need your husband's

Readers : 🔥💢😠😡🤬

Tine :😳 hehe 😅 I didn't know you guys love me that much.

Me :🤦

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