XXII - Unsure

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If this is a dream, I don't ever want to wake up from it anymore. Jessica thought as she stared at Yuri who's sleeping soundly on her back.

She was able to sleep immediately when Yuri trapped her with a warm embrace. But something woke her up just before sunrise, and couldn't go back to sleep again.

Yuri's side profile is just a breathtaking view from Jessica. She's been staring at her for quite a while now while her head rests on her woman's shoulder and her arm wraps around the waist.

A moment later, Yuri's brows furrow and she starts moving her head lightly. Jessica looks at her curiously. She starts murmuring low until it is starting to get loud.

Jessica lifts her body with a hand on Yuri's face and starts caressing it.

"Love... love..."

She starts tapping the face lightly as she continues to call her.


Yuri jerked with open eyes. She held her breath for a moment then blinked a few times.

"Love, you okay?" Jessica asks while she continues to caress Yuri's face.

Her lover looks at her then stares at her without a word breathing heavily. Yuri's gaze was with fear and confusion.

"Bad dream?" Jessica asked again.

Yuri just nodded, then turned her body to the side. She pulled Jessica to her chest then hugged her tight. She starts to feel heavy again. She could feel her heart start beating hard. She closes her eyes trying to calm herself and brush the disturbance off her mind but she just can't. Tears escaped her eyes and she quickly wiped them off.

About almost an hour past and a part of the sun is already visible, they're both still awake. Jessica notices it then starts caressing Yuri's back.

"Love, I know you're still awake. Do you want to talk?"

The embrace loosens, and their eyes meet.

"I know you have questions. Go, ask." Yuri said but more like a whisper.

Have you forgiven me? Jessica thought. The truth is she could ask every single question she has on her mind but she's not even sure if she's ready to hear the answers. She thought that a wrong question could ruin them again. She was scared to lose her again, she can't let that happen.

"Are... are you mad that I'm here?"

Yuri smiled and shook her head. "Do I look like I'm mad?"

Jessica chuckles. "Sorry. Aren't you going to ask why I'm here?"

Yuri shakes her head. "I have nothing to ask."

That bothered Jessica. She knew Yuri as always a curious person. She always asks. She always makes sure that she gets the answers she needs in a way she'll be knowledgeable enough about something. It gives her a sudden recall of how Yuri asked her questions from a slum book just to know simple things about her.

They both stayed like that for a couple of hours. Just silently staring at each other. Their hands would either caress each other's back or touch their faces. Yuri's gaze was different. Jessica thought. She knows that something's hiding behind her every stare but she just couldn't ask. She feels like she's not entitled to.

Jessica stays sitting on a chair as she watches Yuri prepare their food. She couldn't help but smile looking at Yuri do the work. She misses this. They both do.

"Here, Yuri's Famous Grilled Ham and Cheese Sandwich." Yuri smiled as she placed the food and a pitcher of fresh orange juice on the table. She then sat next to Jessica who looked so happy and excited.

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