XXVII - Always You (Finale)

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She didn't waste any time packing her things. A good thing though since they're supposed to fly to Barcelona, she didn't unpack all her clothes. She was able to get prepped in less than a very unusual hour.

Irene had a hard time booking their tickets back to Seoul so Jessica thought of contacting her friends who she thinks can help them since time is of the essence. She was grateful when Tyler lent them his private jet without hesitation. They were able to arrive in Seoul at noon.

"Unnie, are you sure you're doing this alone?" Irene asked when Jessica rashly opened the car door of the driver's seat.

"Yes. Just bring everything to the apartment, I'll call you."

Jessica then drove away without a clear destination. She immediately calls Yuri but the phone is off.

Shit, I hope you're still not changing your number. She thought when Sooyoung came to her mind.

Thankfully, Sooyoung answered the call.


"Yes!" She heaved a sigh of relief. "Hi Soo! I know it's been a while but can you help me?"

"Why? what's wrong?"

"I need to find Yuri. Where is she? Did she change her number? I can't reach her."

"Oh, well, no. But, today's her birthday and every year, well... ever since what happened to you both, she had asked this day to enjoy alone. Her phone is off the whole time she does her routine and she'll call me when she's done."

"Routine? What do you mean?"

"Well, she goes to places that we really don't know. She just does what she wants. We also don't know if she's coming home."

"Oh my God." Jessica sighed heavily.

"Jess, you're on loudspeaker. Taeyeon, Sunny, and Hyo are here."

"Hi, guys! Maybe you can help me? Please I beg you all. I need to see her."

"Jess, Uhm... if I'm not mistaken, she mentioned last night that she'll go visit Mina Eomma and the Brewed. Maybe you should start there?"

"Oh, okay. Thank you Taeng."

"Jess, Hyo here. Last week I remember, she said that she wanted to visit Namsan Tower and Nami Island but I'm not sure."

"Oh, God! This is more difficult than what I expected." Jessica sounded too frustrated. Her fingers tap the steering wheel a few times as she bites her lips and her brows furrow.

"Sunny here! Uhm... I don't really know where else she could be other than at the memorial park. She never forgets to visit her parents. For sure she's there."

"Okay thank you, guys. I appreciate it. Really."

"Jess, are you really going to those places just to find her?"

"Of course Taeng. She almost gave up everything she had when she followed me to LA. This road trip wouldn't mean that much of what she did but, I'm taking my chances now. And I'm not missing this one."

She suddenly heard cheers from her friends.

"Yessss!!!" Taeyeon yelled cheerfully. "We're rooting for you, Jess! And promise, if she ever calls, we'll let you know."

"Thank you so much, guys!"

She immediately drove to the Diner but Mina Eomma wasn't there. The helper told her that Yuri came by but left immediately after a short talk with her mom.

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