XXV - Until Then

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Yuri's friends have been staying at the penthouse since that day. Even Heize was convinced to stay there for Taeyeon and Yuri. Since she came home, Yuri was silent. She didn't talk to anyone even when Taeyeon kept on boggling her, she still didn't say a word. She hasn't left her room since she came home. She would take a bath then lay on her bed again to rest. Sooyoung would always prepare her food but she only had a few bites or at times, she wouldn't touch it.

"Yul..." Taeyeon softly calls, sitting on the bed behind Yuri caressing the woman's back. "It's dinner time now. Join us, please? You haven't had anything since the morning. You're gonna get sick."

Yuri didn't answer.

Taeyeon sighed heavily. "Okay Bud, we'll save a part for you so you can eat later." She gave a few taps on the shoulder then walked out of the room.

Everyone in the dining area looked at Taeyeon after she closed the door.

"Still nothing?" Hyoyeon asked.

Taeyeon shook her head while her lips pouted.

"Soo, it's been a week." Sunny was worried of course.

Suddenly, a door knob clicked and they all looked in one direction -- Yuri's room. They saw her getting out of the room then went straight to the living room. They didn't say a word. They continued to stare at her as she crouched on the sofa hugging her knees with eyes pinned on the coffee table.

Hyoyeon, as expected with her natural jokester personality, lifted her plate that made her company look at her. Taeyeon mouthed 'Hyo, what the hell?!' Hyoyeon didn't answer and instead made a gesture, encouraging everyone to bring their plates too. She then went to the living area and joined Yuri. The rest didn't have a choice but shook their heads and followed their crazy friend.

Taeyeon gets a separate plate then starts to fill it with food.

"Yul, you need to eat." She says as she puts the plate in front of Yuri. "Please, just a few bites. You don't have to finish everything."

"It's fine Bud. Thanks." Finally, Yuri said something. She sits on the floor like everyone then starts eating. Her friends just looked at her and when they felt that she's got the appetite to eat, they continued emptying their plates.

After the dinner, Yuri had asked them to drink. Taeyeon took over Yuri's interest and gave her a white wine instead of her usual whiskey. She knows that the woman won't stop drinking the hard liquor once it hits her throat.

"Yul, do... Do you want me to change your partner in the entourage?" Yuri looked at Sooyoung with her tired eyes and bugs under them that say she hasn't slept properly the whole week.

"I mean, I can have Yoona to replace her. If that'll make you somehow comfortable."

Yuri took a sip from her glass then sighed heavily. "It's fine Soo. I don't want you to worry about that. But,"

It took a moment for Yuri to complete her sentence.

"But, I want you to brace yourselves. I don't know what's going to happen but I guess we should all prepare."

Yuri looks at Soo and holds her hand on the couch. "Don't worry Soo, I won't make a scene or anything to ruin your special day. I just don't know what's going to happen after. I just thought at least, we are all prepared."

"Don't worry Yul. I already saw it coming. And I already talked to Kyung-ho about it and he understood."

"I'm sorry Soo."

"Don't be. I understand. Always." They shared a loving smile at each other.

"So, I guess we are all set for next week's big event." Hyoyeon happily comments.

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