her life-

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Mia's pov

I grew impatient. My face became filled with anger. I had stopped as I pulled to the side of them. It was a man, possibly mid twenties with long shaggy curls. He disengaged rather quickly with his hand graciously flipping me the bird.

Nothing could make me 'happier'.

The traffic every morning always got Mr riled up. Especially when people can't look in front of them when driving.

So I drove to the same place I always did. The californication diner. I couldn't even look across the street to see the shame that club brings to the Hollywood name. But I didn't stay long. I finished up my coffee and drove back home.

My apartment was fairly small and my boxes were still containing all my stuff from when I first moved in. I guess by this point, I thought I'd be out there, making my music and living the life I wanted. But no, I'm sat up here in a cramped apartment, not even knowing where my life is heading.

I unlocked the door not expecting much, other than the mess I had left the night previous.

The door slammed wife open and my sister was sir in the kitchen. I completely jumped out of my skin.

Me:"So we're breaking and entering now?"

My sister:"Seriously? Mum and dad would walk in and even they couldn't call this a home."

Me:"Yeah. Well it's all I can afford right now. What are you doing? Please don't sit on that."

My sister:"Are you kidding?"

Me:"Please don't sit on that."

My sister:"Why?"

Me:"Because its signed and it was the chair that one of my favourite musician played on."

My sister:"Also, I bought you a throw rug."

Me:"I don't need a throw rug."

My sister:"What if I told you that miles David pissed on it?"

Me:"It's almost insulting....."

My sister:"When are you gonna unpack these boxes?"

Me:"When I open my own club. I can unpack them there."

My sister:"Oh mia, how long is that gonna take? You've been living here for nearly two years and I haven't seen you unpack one. It's like you broke up with a boy and now you're stalking him....also, I have someone I want you to meet."

Me:"I don't want to meet anyone....no seriously, I don't want to meet anyone."

My sister:"Come on please."

Me:"You know what? I don't think I'm gonna like him."

My sister:"Why not?"

Me:"Does she like jazz? Or indie rock? Or you know, something from this generation."

My sister:"Probably Not."

Me:"Then what is there to talk to him about?"

My sister:"I don't know mia. But you can't keep living your life like this. You're living like a hermit and you're driving without insurance."

Me:"Does it matter?"

My sister:"Yes, yes it does matter. You need to get serious."

Me:"Oh come on. That's not fair."

My sister:"GET SERIOUS!"

Me:"What do you mean? I had a very serious plan for my future. I still do. But I'm not getting anywhere. Its not MY fault I got shanghai'd."

My sister:"Shanghai'd? Just speak like a normal person. YOU got ripped off."

Me:"What's the difference?"

My sister:"I don't know, it's not as romantic as that."


Pfft, I give up. She never listens, no matter what I say.

My sister:"Literally everyone knew that guy was shady, EXCEPT for you."

Me:"Why do you say romantic like it's a dirty word?"

My sister:"Unpaid bills are not romantic."

Scribbling at her notebook, she hands me a piece of paper.

My sister:"Call him."

Me:"I'm not gonna call him. And the thing is, you've got my life down like its on the ropes. I want to be on the ropes. Okay? Look, I'm just letting life hit me, as it comes."

My sister:"Oh really?"

Me"yes because then I'll hit back. It's a classic story, already plotting it's end."

My sister:"Okay, whatever. I love you."

Me:"I'm gonna change those locks."

My sister:"Yeah, maybe when you can afford them."

Me:"I'm a pheonix rises from the ashes."

Just memorising what I said, made me cringe a little. I slammed the door shut after her. Another eviction notice when on my door mat. I grabbed and tossed it in the trash.

I plugged in my record player and sat at my piano. I put on the same record I was readjusting previously this morning. I was just trying to grasp the notes from memory as I followed along with the tune.

Readjusting once more, I ran through the chords again. Until I could get the hang of the fluency.

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