Part 1: The Fight

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August 24th, 2582

Sange Fighting Arena

The Sectors

The Capital City, Cronus

I lose my vision for a split second as sweat drips down my brow into my eyes. Wiping away blood and sweat in one clean swipe, I raise my hands in front of my face in a protective position again. My nose isn't broken - yet. One more clean hit from Tanya, who's stalking me from the other side of the ring, and it will be.

My shoulder screams at me louder than the crowd surrounding us, even with the roar of gambling. Losing means pissing off everyone here, who all bet on me once again. The pressure of winning doesn't bother me, it's my inability to fight like the champion I used to be that does. Damn shoulder. Tanya eyes my right side like a predator about to take strike, knowing my infamous history.

The blinding white lights above our heads highlight the crowd and the ring, making it harder to focus on pushing through this pain. People in every direction yell curses at us, mostly at Tanya, in the hopes that I'll be victorious once more. This is why I avoid going to the same venue over and over. I had hoped that agreeing to this fight at the last minute would prevent such a rowdy crowd from showing up, but this has been happening non-stop since winning the Blended Fighting Championship last year. With my shoulder giving up on me, I'm not that fighter anymore. That doesn't stop people from still showing up to bet on me.

Licking my lips, I can taste the mixture of salt and blood dripping in the back of my mouth. The tang of alcohol and smoke hangs high in the air. Gritting my teeth, I move to the offensive and move closer to my opponent. I jab with my left. She easily blocks me and counters with a left hook directly into my jaw. Tears fill my eyes. The blast of her force knocks me back. Instinctively, my face scrunches as I throw up my hands for more onslaught.

Tanya lunges at me, gaining opportunity. She sweeps her legs under me. I slam onto the floor. Throwing my hands up, I struggle to protect my body as she charges at me mercilessly.

The crowd roars. Pain stabs me with every hit across my body. I cry out in agony as she beats me down, giving special attention to my right shoulder that can no longer move at this point. The beating will continue, as per the rules, until I die, pass out or give up.

One thing is for damn sure - I will not give up.

Rage and adrenaline tear through my veins as I make my move. Punting my left leg at her knees with immense force, I throw her off balance. She falls onto her back, buying me a split second to recover. I struggle to push myself off the floor with one arm. With my right arm sitting closely against my side, lifeless and useless, I stand up as soon as she recovers and is back on her feet.

Desperation and hatred burn like an inferno in her dark brown eyes. She runs towards me prowling forward with vengeance. I duck out of the way and she misses, falling against the edge of the ring, eliciting cheers and laughter from the drunken crowd. Her face contorts with fury, making the veins in her neck bulge. I wave her towards me with a sneer.

Running towards  me, she throws punch after punch and kick after kick, missing each time. She roars with frustration as I slip out of her way, avoiding her attacks. Waiting for my chance to go on the offensive, I dance around the ring. Instead of slowing down and approaching me carefully, she continues her failed strategy of storming forward.

Advancing towards me one more time, she sprints full-speed. This is my chance. I spin, turn and use my momentum to jump-kick, slamming my foot directly into the side of her face. Her head snaps to the side. She collapses to the floor instantly, limp and unconscious.

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