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A/N Hi guys just so you know this isnt actally the first chapter this is just what starts the book, anyway thats for reading i hope you enjoy!

     Today was the day me and kyo moved out of Shigure's house. It has been a very hard day for me but im glad that Kyo has been here to help me get through the hard times, and i hope he will be here to help me get through alll the new expirnces and hard times that are still yet to come. As I lay in bed with kyo thinking about all the memories we will be leaving behind i start to sob. I try to hold back my tears but they still flow down my cheeks and soflty hit the covers of the bed. "Um Tohru are you crying" i hear Kyo ask me? Hearing his voice makes me sob even louder to the point where im having a hard timme breathing. Kyo gets up and moves closer to me and wraps me in a hug. It feels so pressious to me, it feels so warm and safe wraped in his arms. I bury my face in his chest and cry away all my feelings. I know its selfish but i think i already miss the others even though its only been a day. Even though i wll miss the others Kyo will keep me company and if I can have Kyo thats all i will ever need...

Kyo x tohru (A Fruits Basket fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now