part 2

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(Tohru's perspective)

Once I'm finished packing my bag which consists of my swimsuit, my sunglasses, and sandwiches for me and Kyo to eat, I go to check on Kyo. I walk over to where he was getting ready and knock on the door. No answer, "kyo, are you there?" i ask before opening the door. No answer again, I open the door and walk in, I then scream at the top of my lungs, I accidently walked in on kyo changing! Kyo blushes hard, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to walk in on you!" I say apologizing frantically. "I'm going to leave now," I say . I quickly turn to leave but run face first into the door and fall over, I hastily get back up and leave the room. What a mess! I head back to where i was packing, gather up my things and head to the car and wait for Kyo to come so we can go to the beach.

(Kyo's perspective)

After Tohru leaves i get the rest of my clothes on and grab the bag i had packed. Damn it that was embarrassing, though it was also funny, Tohru is always getting mixed up. Then i walk down  the hall on my way to the car. Once I get there I see Tohru waiting for me in the car. Tohru waves and smiles at me, I smile back at her. I then get in the car, "how far away is this beach? I can hardly wait!" Tohru asks me. "It's like a 15 minute drive" I reply, ''It's not that far away, maybe we could invite yuki and the others sometime" Tohru says. "what!?no way im not getting stuck at a beach with yuki!" i scream. I stop screaming and turn red. I probably shouldn't have screamed at Tohru like that. I look at her to see her reaction but all she's doing is giggling," dont worry we don't have to invite them if you don't want to" she says with a laugh. Soon after we start the car and go on our journey to the beach hopefully it lives up to Torhus expectations.

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