Ch. 1 How They First Met

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It was a stormy day for what little was left of a small unknown army from some Kingdom. Takane Lui, the captain of the royal army, and a few badly injured men. Could barely stand up against the power of the Demon King's army. If this was the end for the dear captain and her men, then she would rather go down swinging then to give up. So the knight stood bravely up on her feet once again, as the rain washed away any of her fears.

Takane: "Demon King, I challenge you to a duel! Face me here and now!"

Intrigued, the great and powerful Demon King warped onto the battlefield. However, what Takane was taken by surprised by what she knew of the King of demons was actually a beautiful, elegant, and a totally mature, Adult Queen of Demons. 

Laplus: "You are quite the interesting human. You are jist barely holding onto life and yet you still challenge me to a battle."

The Queen circles the Captain eyeing her prey up and down. She was most certainly both beautiful and handsome in the eyes of the Queen. The Queen then stepped forward, placing her delicate finger under the weakened shoulders chin.

Laplus: "How about you make a deal with me dear Captain. You serve me for all that I desire, and I will call off my army. I will ensure that there will no longer be conflict between humans and demons for as long as you will live."

Takane: "I-If I do swear my loyalty to you, do you promise not to attack the humans once I accept?"

The demon queen gave an evil grin as she crossed her heart sealing the deal that was about to be made.

Laplus: "Cross. my. heart."

Takane: "Then I swear my loyalty to you, my Queen."

Laplus: "Good, now the first thing we must do is take care of your wounds and clean off this battle filth."

The demon Queen picked up the wounded shoulder in hee arms and warped them to her castle where the two would passionately share a healing bath to....

Laplus: "Chloe! Give me Back My Book of Black Magic!"

Chloe: "You mean your diary?"

Chloe said with a sly eating grin as she held the book high above Laplus. Try as she could Laplus was too short to reach. Chloe then started running around the room reading some of her past romantic fantasy's. Laplus chased Chloe all through out the meeting room. Chloe then passed the book to Koyori, and from Koyori to Iroha and back to Chloe. Only for Iroha to miss and have the book land in front of Lui. Who then picked it up and started to read.


Lui was a little confused at the story that she opened to.

Lui: "Was this really how we first met? "I-If I do swear my loyalty to you, do you promise not to attack the humans once I accept?""

Laplus: "AHHH!!!! DON'T READ IT OUT LOUD!!!"

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