Ch. 3 Its Not Like I Like You

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Laplus walking down a hallway, until she sees Takane surrounded by a bunch of female yuri fangirls. The Takane notices her small Boss.

Takane: "Ah! Laplus, Hi. What are you doing here?"

Laplus: "Huff, you were running late for our group meeting again. So i thought i would come and get you. But it looks like your too busy to come to our meetings."

Takane: "Sorry, sorry. Everyone was just asking to go and eat lunch with them. I told them that I was busy, but they kept me longer. I'm sorry Boss."

Laplus: "Humph, Say what you will. Come on let's go."

*The Next Day*

The Secret Society had just finished up with their secret meeting for the day. When Laplus notices Ina-senpai, and got excited to see her again.

Laplus: "INA-SENPAI!!!"

Before Laplus left to go be by her senpai's side, Takane quickly wrapped her arms around Laplus and gave a protective angry stare at Ina.

Laplus: "T-Takane?! Eh?! W-Whats wrong? Huh?"

Takane then snapped out of it and let go of Laplus.

Laplus: "Geez Takane, you shouldn't do things l-like that out of nowhere."

Takane: "S-Sorry Boss, I won't do that again."

Laplus: "Humph, good."

Ina in the background with a sweat drop, as she watches the couple.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2021 ⏰

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