Ch. 2 Nap Time

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Lui was the first one to arrive at the Secret Society's hidden base. Although she was a bit early, there was no one else here. Lui still a little sleepy from waking up to early, took her spot on their couch and took a nap.

Lui: "I'm sure they wont mind. Besides they can easily wake me up when its time for the meeting. Yawn."

And just like a light Lui was out.

The next to arrive was their boss, Laplus. Excited for another great meeting for their society. Only to see that no one has shown up yet. Until she heard a light russel on their couch. Curious, Laplus went to see who was napping on the couch. Laplus then saw a sleepy Lui sleeping comfortably, without a care in the world. Laplus feeling a little devilish leans in close to Takane's ear.

Laplus: "Lui, if you don't wake up soon. I'm going to play a prank on you."

Unfortunately, Lui was so fast asleep that she didn't hear a word she said. Laplus pouted at the zero reaction she got from the sleeping bird. Then she couldn't help but feel so comfortable just to watch her friend sleeping peacefully. Laplus then helped move a stray hair out of Lui's face. Causing Laplus to gaze more wishfully at her friend's sleeping face. How beautiful and handsome she truly was.

Laplus: "...baka Lui..."

Laplus leans in and softly kisses the one person who somehow won her heart so many times. Only to then for her to get suddenly trapped in the arms of said sleeping friend.

Lui: "...Laplus is a great Boss...Zzz."

Laplus didn't know what she should do. She didn't want to wake her sleepy friend only for her to see her in an a embarrassing embrace. But she too started to feel the warm and soft embrace of sleep that her friend shared. Only for her to also fall asleep in her arms.

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