Chapter Three

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Elle's POV

Trent James
Those were the two words that circled my mind as my jaw dropped open. "What?!" I asked surprised. Chris just snorted and said, "Oh like you didn't know. You planned this didn't you? Break up with me so you can be with your rich lover." Chris spat out like poison in his mouth. "What?!" Was all I could say. "Chris I think Elle truly didn't know." Eve said touching his arm lightly. That made my anger flare up again. First I find that my boyfriend cheated on me with my best friend. Then I find myself dancing with Trent James. Then another thought occurred to me. Trent James had kissed me. On the lips. "I can't believe this. First my boyfriend cheats on me with my best friend. Then I dance with Trent James. Could anything make this day any worse?" I asked miserably. I glanced at Trent from the corner of my eye and saw his stunned reaction from my comment. Obviously he didn't expect this reaction because everybody loved Trent James. Then another thought came. "I forgot it is my twenty first birthday. Well happy birthday to me. I'm a dumb ass." I said giving all of them the death glare before walking off haughtily. "Elle!" I heard someone call out. I was already through a good portion of the crowd when I felt and hand wrap around my arm. I turned to find Trent James standing in front of me. "What?" I snapped. "Let me get you a drink. Just take a breath and," I cut him off before he could finish. "Cut it James." I said using his last name. "I don't think you know this but there are girls who aren't in love with you. And I'm one of them." I said twisting out of his grip. "Elle!" He called after me. He wouldn't give up. I finally reached the front entrance of the mansion and went into the cool night air. I ran down the steps of the mansion while taking my mask off and ran into the shadows. "Elle!" I heard Trent call out. I kept on walking down the side walk on the way back to my house. Eve had been my ride home and now I was going to have to walk, in heels, home. Which was about ten miles. Great. About halfway home I had finally took my shoes off and walked the rest of the way barefoot. Once I reached the front door I pulled out the key from one of my many hidden pockets and unlocked the door. All the lights were off in the house and I walked straight to my bedroom. After I had made sure that my bedroom and bathroom doors were locked I finally broke down. Letting tears roll down my face as I thought back to tonight. This would go down as the worst birthday in history. I just felt so betrayed. By my friend, my (now ex) boyfriend, and by myself. I should have been able to see that I was dancing with Trent James. He had said his name was Mike Trenton. I should have know when I heard the name Trent. And he had kissed me. Uhh. I needed sleep, I wouldn't be able to think straight with lack of sleep. I couldn't even get out of my bed to change. Before I laid down I saw that it was midnight. I had been at the party for one or two hours and my entire life had been screwed up. I shoved my heels deep under my bed before laying down and falling asleep.
I woke to sunlight spilling into my room in bright rays. I groaned before sitting up. It was ten in the morning. I smelled a sweet aroma coming from the kitchen and got up. I looked down at my bow rumpled ball gown and decided to change out of it. After I did that I opened my bedroom door and stepped out into the hallway. I padded down the hallway into the kitchen to find my dad cooking breakfast. "There's my girl." He said coming over and giving me a hug. My dad was always happy. The only time I had seen him unhappy was when mom was sick. "How was the ball last night?" Dad pulling away from me to go back to the frying pan. "Horrible." I said sitting at the dining table. I saw my dad's smile fall a little before he asked, "How come?" I was debating whether or not to tell him the truth. He loved Chris and Eve so I decided just to tell him something else. "It just wasn't, um, fun. There were to many people and everybody was throwing themselves at Trent James." I said. But I knew my dad would see right through my lie. "Elle, I've known you for twenty one years now. Tell me the truth." Dad said now staring at me, his smile gone. "Promise me you won't kill anybody." I said. Even though we broke up I still felt that I had to protect him. "I can't make such promise without knowing what it's about first." He said setting breakfast on the table and sitting down. "Well, Chris kind of, you know, cheated on me." I finished. "He did what?! With who?" My dad asked standing up so fast that he flipped the chair over. "Eve." I answered softly. "I'll kill them." Dad said his face red. He had made Chris promise not to hurt me, physically or emotionally, when we first started getting serious. "No. It's fine, I guess. I found out yesterday at the ball." I explained. "On your birthday. Chris and Eve are never allowed back in this house. Or your apartment for a matter of fact." He said pacing back in forth. I picked up my plate of food and went over to my dad. "Thank you for the breakfast dad." I said kissing him on the cheek and heading to my room. When I got to my room I locked my door and set my food down on one of the boxes in my room and pulled out my laptop. I need to watch CinemaSins, WatchGirlsPlay, Matthew Santoro, Shane Dawson, and all my other favorite YouTubers. I had just logged on to my laptop when an alert popped up. It said Trent James. I groaned. Eve had added Trent James alerts to my laptop and I can't figure out how to get them off. I was just about to click the cancel button when some thing caught my eye. Mystery Girl. I wanted to ignore it and move on but curiosity won me over. I clicked on the ok button and it sent me to YouTube. Then the video started. Trent James popped up on the screen and began talking. "Last night at the ball I met a girl that I can't get out of my mind. Her name is Elle. I need to see her again. The only way I'll know who you are is if you can name the Chapstick flavor that you lost. It is a one of a kind. If you can name the Chapstick flavor then I want you to go on a date with me. I'll be holding line ups at the Winthrop Mansion where the ball was held at. I hope to see my mystery girl very soon." Then the video was done. What? Was all I could think. I didn't lose my Chapstick, I think. I quickly slid the laptop off my lap and ran over to my closet. I had thrown the dress back in there this morning. I grabbed it and started checking all the pockets in the dress. I couldn't find anything. Nothing. Zip. Zero. "No." I groaned to myself. My Chapstick was gone. And where was it? With Trent James.

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