Chapter Four

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Trent's POV
One Day Later

"Next." Nick called out for me. The perky brown haired girl standing in front of me was led off by Lisa and up came the next girl. She had blonde hair and was very tall. She had brown eyes and was wearing heels so tall that I when I stood up to greet her I had to crane my neck to look up to see her face. I could already tell that she wasn't the Elle I was looking for. First of all my Elle was taller than me even in heels, second of all she had brown hair and blue eyes, and third of all the girl standing in front of me was barely wearing anything and I don't think Elle would do that. Te reason I know that is because she didn't like me and certainly wouldn't start showing off her skin for me. I wanted to say next before she spoke but Lisa said I had to give every girl a fair chance. "Name." I said trying to hold back a groan. "Elle Reily." The girl purred. Nope this definitely wasn't the Elle I was looking for. "What's the name of the Chapstick?" I asked already knowing that the answer would be wrong. "Very Berry Mint." Reily said hopefully. "Next." Was all I said. "No. I mean Cherry Lollipop." I waved my hand for Lisa to escort this girl away. "It's me I promise. Trent tell her that I'm the one." Reily said trying to struggle against Lisa. "Come one Barbie." Was all Lisa said. "Name." I asked not looking up as I heard footsteps approaching. "Get your ass up we're taking a break." I looked up and saw Nick standing in front of me with arms crossed. I sighed and looked at my watch. It was already one in the afternoon and we'd been doing this since eight in the morning. "Okay I'm up for a break." I said standing up and stretching. "Where should we go for lunch?" I asked as we walked out the front door of the mansion. Immediately we were bombarded by screams of fan girls. "Trent! I'm the one!" One girl said. Another said, "I'm your mystery girl! Take me!" I just shook my head as we descended the stairs. "Since only one is your mystery girl can I take some of the girls that are brokenhearted?" Nick asked eyeing the girls. "Trent! Baby, I'm over here!" One girl said. Then she tried stepping over the line that we set aside for the line if girls and a guard pulled out his taser and used it on her. It was probably at the lowest setting so it just shocked her but she stayed behind the line this time. "Take that one." I said replying to Nick's question. "On second thought never mind." Nick said as we got into the car. "And to answer your question earlier we should go to Marcel's. They have killer cheeseburgers." Nick said as I pulled out of our parking spot.
"A black man can't go anywhere anymore without getting asked if he wants fried chicken or watermelon." Nick said sitting down across from me. "I know. There are some racist people out there. But at least we got free food." I said holding up my cheeseburger. "Cheers to that." Nick said as we clanked our cheeseburgers together. "Sometimes you being a star has its perks." He said as he bit in to his cheeseburger. "What do you mean sometimes?" I asked Nick. "Sometimes because normally you have girls all over you then Lisa and I have to yank them off of you and I usually end up on the ground from a girl's heel hitting the wrong spot." Nick said. "I see your point." I said not needing anymore explanation. I looked around the small restaurant and noticed that we were the only ones there other than the waitresses. "Why is the restaurant so empty?" I asked. "I don't know and I don't care. That just means more food for me." Nick said patting his stomach. "You have the biggest appetite but it seems like you never gain weight." I said laughing. "It's a gift." He said laughing with me. Just then a waitress came up to us carrying two more cheeseburgers and two sides of fries. "Here you go." She said setting it down in front of us. "Uh, we didn't order this." I said pointing at the food. "Complements of the Marcel crew over there." She said pointing behind her. I looked past her and saw the girls looking at the waitress serving us with jealousy. Then when they saw me staring they started putting their hands up in a call me sign. I just looked away from them and back to our waitress. She looked familiar somehow. Her blue eyes were mesmerizing. That's all I could focus on as she spoke to Nick about some thing. Then she turned back to me and said, "I almost forgot. These are also from the staff." She pulled out a pile of papers from her pocket and handed it to me. "Phone numbers." Nick said leaning over to see. I looked back up at our waitress and decided to use my charm to see if I had met her before. "Which one is yours?"I asked with my award winning smile. "Guess you'll have to find out." She said. I had heard that tone before but my brain was all muddled so I couldn't think straight. I was just about to reply when someone's phone started ringing. "Sorry. I have to take this." She said holding up her phone. She turned around and walked a away a few feet. I kept trying to think of where I had seen her before when she got off the phone. "Um, Steph I have to leave. I promise that I'll work overtime tomorrow." The waitress said as she went over to grab her things and left. After she left I started thinking. Where had I seen her before? Just as I was thinking that the door to the restaurant flew open. "Where is she?" I heard a woman ask. I looked up to see some girl walking over to me. "Where the hell is she, Trent?" She asked grabbing my shirt. I saw a man behind her and he looked familiar like the girl standing in front of me. Finally like a trance had been lifted off me I figured out who they were. Eve and Chris. "Where is Elle?" Eve asked again. Then I figured out who the waitress that served us was. Elle, I thought. "She left about five minutes ago." Nick filled in for me. "Damn it. We just missed her." Eve said letting me go and turning around and leaving Marcel's. "Did you know that was her?" I asked looking at Nick. "Only after she left." He replied shrugging. "Why didn't you tell me?" I asked incredulous. "I thought you knew." He said putting his hands up in surrender. "I can't believe I lost her again." I said putting my head in my hands. "It's okay Trent. You'll find her."

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