Chapter Six

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Trent's POV

"Next." I yelled to Nick. Then Lisa started walking the other girl out. I waited for the next girl to enter. All of a sudden I heard Nick start shouting. "Hey. You have to wait your turn!" He yelled. The person he was yelling at must have turned around and said or did something because then I heard Nick say, "Go ahead." Then all of a sudden I see her coming around the corner. It was Elle and I could tell that she was not in a good mood because she had to come here. But I still went through the same process with her because I thought that it would be fun to mess with her. "Name." I said smirking a little. She stopped in front of me and glared at me. "Cassandra Elle Reynolds. And before you ask it's Mama's Baby Girl." Elle said. "I've been waiting for you for a week. Where have you been?" I asked standing up from my chair. "Running from Eve and Chris and hoping that I could just get my Chapstick back without all the drama." She said with some sarcasm. "Okay. Well where should we meet for our date." I asked. "Date! What date?" Elle asked. "Along with the Chapstick you get a date. So where should we meet for our date?" I asked again. "Oh hell no! I just got out of my second relationship that ended too much like my first one. Now you want me to go on a date with you. No." Elle said stubbornly. "Why won't you go on a date with me?" I asked. I really hoped that she didn't remember when we were kids. "When we were twelve and thirteen," Elle began. Damn it. "I know. I remember. But we were just kids then." I said hoping that she could just put it past her. "So that makes it right to cheat on someone." She asked incredulously. Elle was still very mad. I decided to change the subject. "How did you even get ahead of all those girls outside?" I asked genuinely curious. I saw Elle's face turn a little red before she looked down at her hands. She mumbled something inaudible so I asked, "What was that?" This time she looked at the ceiling as she said, "I kind of had a taser fight with the guard outside the door then lied that I was Lisa Inigo's niece and that I was only sixteen so I could have assault charges on a minor against him." She finished. I tried to hide back a smile but I couldn't help it. "That sounds awesome." I said smiling widely. Elle finally looked at me and smiled a little before looking away. "Sorry to interrupt whatever this is but there are two people looking for you." Nick said coming over. "Tell them that they can wait." I said thinking that Nick was talking to me. "Not you, Trent. Cassandra, I mean, Elle." Nick fixed his mistake. Elle was about to reply when the doors to our room opened then closed quickly again. "Elle! Come on just talk to us already." I heard someone say. Then I finally saw the speaker. It was Eve and Chris. Elle wasn't kidding when she said that she had been running from them. They stopped short when they saw everyone. "What is going on here?" Chris asked pushing past Eve. "I'm getting my Chapstick back and planning my date with him." Elle said pointing at me. I'll take that as a yes. "Wait we haven't talked about this yet." Chris said glaring at me. Elle walked over to him in a rush. "I don't have to talk to you about anything! You're the one that was cheating on me so I don't have to tell you anything!" Elle yelled angrily. "Come on just give us a chance again. Elle," Elle cut him off by slapping him hard. "I don't want to see you ever again!" She yelled at him. Chris looked like a wounded puppy now but when he looked at me I saw his eyes harden. "You may have won her this round James, but I will get my girl back!" Chris yelled before stalking out of the room. "Look what you've done now." Eve said looking at me and Elle before following Chris. "Chris!" She called out. "If this is the Elle we've been looking for then I like her already." I turned around to see Lisa coming around the corner with a smirk. "We have a lot of things to talk about Elle." Lisa said grabbing Elle's shoulders and leading her away. "Wait hold on. Don't we," I started before Lisa cut in. "I'll return her I a few minutes." She said then taking Elle out of the room. "I can't believe it. I finally find her her and then Lisa takes her. Unbelievable." I said. "You have even gone out on a real date with her yet and you're already getting jealous." Nick said smiling. "I am not." I said defensively. "Sure your not."

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