The Unbreakable Nomad

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The ground shook rhythmically, shaking the trees of the forest to their core every few seconds. A young girl was on the run, desperately trying to escape her pursuer.

"No point in running! You can't escape me!" a mighty minotaur declared.

The pre-teen shook off her tears and kept running through the forest. Her escape had her heart racing beyond her comprehension. She looked back to see the monster had begun charging in her direction. Without fully noticing, she passed by a young man casually walking in the opposite direction.

"No! Don't go that way!" she took the time to stop and scream.

"Huh? What?" The fellow reached under his big curly mane and pulled out his headphones, all without noticing the bi-pedal bull charging towards him. The minotaur stopped before the stranger, observing his white hoodie with blue accents. He turned around to get a face full of the creature's snarl.

"Who are you, little man?" the minotaur asked, flaunting his battleaxe.

"Oh, uh, my name's Bunnie. Nice to meet you. What's your name?"

"I am Qintar! I own these woods and you and that girl are trespassing!"

"Oh, I'm sorry. I was just passing through to get to the next town over. Can you point me in the right direction?"

"Oh, sure. Just follow down this path and- wait! Why am I telling you this? I'm gonna kill you and then I'm gonna kill that child!"

"No! Don't!" The child ran between the two, valiantly trying to shield Bunnie with her arms. "Spare him!"

"Hey, no need for violence," said Bunnie. "Here take these." From his backpack he pulled out a few flowers and handed one to both parties.

The minotaur was extremely baffled by the turn of events and ate the flower before gripping his axe with both hands. Bunnie stepped in front of the girl after giving her a nice pat on the head.

"It's okay. I got this," he said.

"Don't! He'll kill you!"

"No he won't." The minotaur readied a swing and aimed directly at Bunnie's head. When the attack connected, the axe shattered against the young man's suddenly diamond neck. Metal chips scattered around, no longer capable of hurting anyone. Qintar and the girl were dumbfounded as they watched Bunnie's diamond body fade away like nothing had even happened.

"What trickery is this?! Explain yourself, boy!"

"I would if I could, but I have no explanation as to why I'm like this," Bunnie shared. "I'm kind of an immovable object when I want to be."

"Ha! No such thing can stop Qintar! Time we see what happens when an unstoppable force meets the so-called immovable object! Wait right here."


Qintar ran back to where he came from and readied a charging stance. After a hearty roar, he took off at top speed towards the hoodie wearing wanderer.

"Are you sure about this?" the girl asked.

"Huh? Yeah, I'm sure. By the way, what's your name?" Bunnie refocused all his attention to the child, turning his back to the force of nature nearing him.

"My name? It's Mai."

"Aw, that's a nice name." CRRRK. A spout of blood and eyeballs shot past Bunnie, surrounding him and the girl. A pasty mess of a minotaur was sticking to Bunnie's diamondback, but he was not that phased by it in the slightest. "Mai, do you live around here?"

"I live with my father just outside these woods. In a little cabin," she answered, just a bit traumatized by the brutal bloodbath in front of her.

"That's nice. Well, if you excuse me, I have a town I'm looking for."

"Just follow the minotaur footprints backwards. That's where I was coming from," she shared.

"Oh, perfect. Thank you. See ya around." Bunnie put his headphones back in, wiped off the blood and guts and continued on his way for answers.

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