Misleadings & Mishaps |Chapter 9|

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So right now I'm literally blasting my music while writing, cause hey? I get inspired by my music. If you wanna know the song, even though it's Disney..(you know Disney has decent songs..for some reason..) It's You Can Come To Me by Laura Marano and Ross Lynch. Now it's A Thousand Years...aww I got hit by nostalgia...I remember reading my first ever Leafgreenshipping story two years ago..with this song in it. Ya know I shipped Poke, then Advanced (don't ask..), then Leafgreen, and then Contest... Wow....it's been a looong ride.

May's eyes widened. She nervously started playing with the hem of her shirt,"Why are we waiting for wolves anyways?" The Queen looked at her, she formed her mouth into a beautiful smile before saying something simple,"Wait."

As the other three girls, we're walking over to where they had heard the voice. They had seen a blur of a figure walk right past or more so sprint right past them. Leaving chills in their bodies. They all looked around, scanning around the whole entire area. All were back to back with each other. Leaf having the courage stepped out of the warmth and security of the little huddle they formed and yelled out,"Who's there?"

Three guys came out of the moonlight.
May continued to listen to what the Queen had wanted. I mean if you were to meet someone of royalty, would you disrespect them? I think not, unless you are a rebel that is. She was confused as to why the Queen had requested to wait until these so called "Wolves" came. May wondered why, 'I mean what do canines have to do with our mission? We already have partners.' May had thought while touching the slightly glowing orb in her pocket, sighing in relief, because it was still where it was.

She continued to tap her feet against the cold marble floor they were standing upon. The Queen turned her gaze towards her, her blue eyes, looked a bit menacing. May's small little smile slowly began to fade, her eyebrows beginning to raise.
She crossed her arm over her chest. 'Something isn't so right here.', May thought, uncertainly in her head.

As the three boys stepped out of the darkness. The girls continued to edge backwards. The boys had dark colored hair, color of pitch black and pure white. Their eyes the shades of red. Smirks etched onto their faces. All three of them continued to go closer. Dawn whimpered out in shock. One of them looked at the other three, before looking back to Dawn. "Lookie here, Princess is scared of us.", one of them said them. Dawn pouted and crossed her arms irritated.

"I am not scared of you!", she yelled stomping her foot onto the dirty path below them. "Just so you know, my name is Shade, his is Oblivion, and his is Onyx. Leaf scoffed,"What kind of names are those?" All of them sent glares, towards Leaf. Oblivion mimicked Leaf's scoff then said with the same distaste,"What kind of name is Leaf?" Leaf's lower lip quivered,"None of your business Mr. Oblivious." Oblivion rolled his red eyes, "And I thought you were the smart one." Leaf swiftly turned around already ready irritated and peeved off.

"What do you want?", Misty asks them, remembering why they had not asked them what they wanted. Since they just appeared out of no where, with no explanation for it.

The boys all smirked towards each other,"You."

The Queen smirked to herself,"May, would you like some tea?" May turned to the Queen, she plastered a fake smile on her face. She shook her head, mouthing the words, 'No thank you.' The Queen nodded and continued to talk to May.

"So, May I heard that you have creatures with you. May I see them?", she asked motioning over to the bag May had put down earlier.

May bit her lip nervously, she wasn't really starting to trust the queen anymore. May stood up once again. She glared into the eyes of the Queen.

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