Fierce Battles & Danger- Part 1 |Chapter 10|

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Let you read the story. Hehe. ☺️ also sorry for making you wait..I was busy with school and also mix it with me being lazy.. 😣


Leaf gritted her teeth and took a deep breathe. She was just jerked backwards by a force a couple seconds earlier.

She was trying to catch her breathe once again. She looked at all of her fellow teammates fighting alongside each other.

Leaf closed her eyes and focused energy into her hands. She opened her eyes and shot the beam right into Oblivion's chest.

She smiled and got back up to a straight position. Oblivion got up, looks at Leaf's green eyes and just stared.

Leaf backed away, using her powers to lift some roots from the ground to wrap around him, in case he attacks. He smirks before disappearing into a cloud of darkness. Leaf's heartbeat started beating faster, and she looked around. Misty and Dawn were on the ground moaning, and struggling to get up. The two boys right above them, staring at them in victory.

She got pushed onto the dirty ground, she then grunted in pain. She got up once again.

Leaf closed her eyes and just used the vines to wrap around Oblivion. His eyes widened and he tried to claw off the vines. Leaf heard a scream from the left side. She swiveled and all she saw in front of her eyes was Dawn getting tackled to the ground, just after her getting up.

The werewolf, then proceeded to claw at her side. Dawn then again started to scream.

Leaf winced and fell into the ground, when she saw Dawn's eyes closed. She grabbed Dawn's head and pulled it into her lap, and she started trying to feel a pulse. She didn't feel any. Leaf looked up to Misty's enraged eyes.


Marianne did a backwards flip, avoiding a huge ball of psychic energy. May scrunched up her face in frustration. She suddenly got an idea, she used her telekinesis to lift things.

The whole room rumbled, Marianne gasped in confusion. Her head looked back and forth. Her hair swishing behind her. May smirked,"Hmm. Seems like the Vice President of the most villainous group, doesn't know the capability of their very own enemy."

All of the books fell off the bookshelves they were sitting atop of.

Everything fell off the shelves and table tops and just came flying over to where Marianne was standing. Her eyes widened, and she jerked her hands out to stop the impact of everything. But that didn't really help, all that much.

The full force of all of the items hit her, and she came crashing down onto the ground making a huge thump sound.

May victoriously smiled, but quickly made a run for it. She suddenly got grabbed from behind. She felt a slow and steady breathing, May's eyes widened.

"Miss Psychic, didn't know that I could escape that simple kind of power.", Marianne said, looking right onto May's blue eyes.

Marianne then proceeded to move forward and tackle May, bringing her down with her.


Misty was angry, well actually she was enraged with the fact that this werewolf killed. Her. Best. Friend.

Misty stood up and started screaming her head off. Tears were streaming down her face.

Leaf looked at her Dawn's body, and looked back up to the werewolf and Misty. Dawn was one of her best friends, and she won't leave this death in vain.

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