can i tell you something?

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you sat at the lot with pony and johnny, stargazing. getting over bob seemed impossible at first, but you had come so far since then. some days it still hurt, but it felt great to be over his ass. you turned your head to look at johnny, who was already looking at you. you smiled at him sheepishly.
"pony can you go get some candy from the gas station?" johnny asked.
"what the hell? why me?" pony protested.
"just. do it."
the look on johnnys face was strange. he widened his eyes when he spoke to pony, like he was hinting something. pony left for the gas station.
"hi y/n." johnny smiled.
"hi johnny." you adoringly said.
"i'm really glad i get to see these starts with you every night."
"me too, i like being around you."
he seemed so nervous and he was blushing a lot.
the two of you continued speaking for a while. talking to him felt so natural, so easy. you looked at him, taking him in. you always knew he was good looking, but it felt different now. do i like johnny..? you thought. in fact, you'd been thinking that same thing for a while now. you always pushed those thoughts away though, afraid to ruin your friendship. suddenly, you two went quiet.
"can i.. tell you something?"
"go ahead."
"well. i don't know how to start this off but.. i love you. and not in the friendly typa way. i love you and i always have. i feel like i'm made for you. you're so beautiful and amazing and i hope this isn't too early to tell you because you just ended things with bob, but i want you to know i'll wait for however lo-"
you cut him off and kissed him. you guys kissed long and sweetly. "johnny, i love you too. and i cant believe i didn't realize sooner. we were made for each other." you gazed into each other's eyes. he hugged you.

johnny cade x reader~~made for youWhere stories live. Discover now