i love you

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soon enough, pony got back with bags. you and johnny were laying next to each other in the lot, holding hands. pony smiled and laughed under his breath. you realized he'd known about johnnys crush on you the whole time, which made you smile more. he layed next to you and passed some candy he bought from soda. "looks like you guys are enjoying yourselves," he said, taking a sip of coke. johnny lit a cigarette and offered to share it with you. you gratefully accepted his offer. later, you walked back home and snuck in though pony's window. as you climbed in, you felt johnnys warm hands lifting you into the house by your waist, which gave you so many butterflies. once the three of you got inside, you all layed down. you and johnny on the floor in sleeping bags, pony taking the bed. "pony, i'm sleeping in the bed tomorrow." you declared. "keep telling yourself that." he mumbled.

johnny wrapped his arm around you, just like the night you and bob broke up. again, you felt his breath and his hair against your skin. this time, he whispered in your ear, "will you be my girl?"
"yes, i'd like that very much."
"i love you, y/n."
"i love you too."

the end 😁😁 hope u enjoyed i bet this kinda sucked but oh well😩 and don't forget to leave suggestions for another story
also sorry this is so fucking short oml

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