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 I was at the head of the table. Sid was standing besides me as i inspected the reports

ON my right Prime minister George Adams and William Potter on my left.

They both had tried to get Charolette to stop the nobles and in turn lost their places as higher nobles as Charolette boycotted them and excluded them from every event she could.

I sighed ''Let's start with improving the treasury's condition. All menial tasks which are unnecessary are to be cut.''

''When you say menial tasks, what does Her Majesty mean?'' William asked

''Menial tasks such as.. this, every evening my uncle used to have a table set up with the most lavish silks. I do not need that. There is a much more beautiful dining hall available. Unnecessary tasks like this are taking money out of the treasury''

The nobles nod and take notes. ''I will leave this task to Lord Sid here''

he looked at me wide eyed and then nodded ''Please give me a report on what you have cut and how much money stopped going out for them''

''Yes Your Majesty'' SId said

''Lord Adams, your appeal for the correspondence between the Kingdom of Geral and us. I've gone through it. I think we should discuss it in detail''

He nodded and had a slight smile to his face ''Yes Your Majesty. Thank you''

''The cop produce is declining. That is a matter of concern. We should find other crops we can grow. Silk is our main crop but if we can grow silk we can grow cotton too. That would make us mass producers of two of the most important materials''

The nobles asked ''But, suddenly cotton? Your majesty, you will be risking the money on a task we do not know will succeed''

''We must take risks my lords. Or else we shall never grow. Of course we must do thorough reserch and consult the farmers too''

After a long meeting of 3 hours I still had all of this paperwork to handle.

Sid was helping me with what and how to write.

This was so complicated. Why couldn't they make columns? and serial numbers? This should be systemazied

''Lord Sid, can you get me a plane paper?'' I asked

he nodded and hurriedly got me some paper.

I dipped the pen in ink and made a systematic grid and gave it to him.

''From now on, all reports should be in this format'' I said handing over the paper

He looked at it and his eyes widened ''This is..brilliant!''

I was startled at his sudden outburst.

''This will help everyone so much! Oh, Your Majesty you are so intelligent!'' he praised me

''UHH, thank you?''

''I'll have this circulated immediately'' he said and took off

I went back to my work and looked up when there was a knock on the door.

''Come in'' I said

Duchess Alexandra, aka my mom now entered. She knew that one day Charolette would have to take on the throne and so was strict. Though i don't agree with her ways I know she didn't do it out of malice.

She was just worried about Charolette's future

''Char, I have not seen you all day'' she said

I got up from my seat ''I have been busy''

i motioned for her to sit on the couch.

''I know'' she said ''I brought you some snacks''

The maid poured in some tea and pastries were set on the table.

I took a bite of the pastry and i felt as if i was in heaven.

i moaned. I had been tired. I needed some sugar.

My mother smiled '' Im glad you like it''

''Yes, thank you very much for bringing all this''

''I was worried. I feared you would be overwhelmed by the work'' she said sipping her tea

'' I would not say I was not anxious but I will handle it.''

''OH Char, you are just 15 and already have to bear the weight of the crown. I'm glad you have understood your position and duties''

i nodded ''Yes''

We both had some tea and finally she got up to leave.

Lord William came in as she was leaving and bowed ''Greetings Queen Mother''

''This is Lord William.'' I introduced him

She nodded at him ''Good to meet you Lord William'' She turned to me and asked ''WIll i see you for dinner?''

''If work permits. I'll try my best to be there''

she nodded and kissed me on the cheek and left.

I was walking to the table

''Her Majesty should not risk her health. I advice you eat on time'' Lord William said

''Thank you for your concern Lord William i will keep that in mind'' I said brushing off the topic.

I feel bad for her but i literally just met the woman. It was hard for me to treat her with affection.

He seemed to have gotten the clue that I didnt want to talk about it and just gave me the reports.

I ate dinner in the office that night and went to sleep exhausted.

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