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The next day Emma walked up to Dennis who was had been looking on ground. He so lost in their shared kiss he had with Jacob that when Emma pocked his face he only faced her.

"You hungry or something you look tired" Yeah he also didn't sleep well.

"I could eat"

"Come on then" she helped him up and he slowly followed her. They sat in a circle to which she sat closer to Amber which only made the spot left was next to her and Jacob. Jacob was so lost in his thoughts that when Dennis sat beside him he only just stared then carried on eating.

"Hyung Dennis?" he looked up at Lucas "Are you okay?"

"I'm just tried, didn't sleep last night" Jordan's hair glow yellow only a bit before he fell asleep and collapsed on Dennis's lap. Emma was about to wake him when Dennis shock his head. "Leave him"

"You sure?"

"Yeah" he played with Jacob's hair to which surprised them all but left seeing how tried he was too and he aet and drank coffee. A while after Jacob did wake up yawning. He moved to only see Dennis asleep. He smiled before stroking his face.

"Mmmm" Denis looked up to see Jacob

"Someone's finally awake"

"You woke me up"

"I just lightly touched your face"

"Whatever" he sat up to see everyone gone "They went to go look stuff somewhere"

"Leaving you and me"


"Could we talk about last night" Dennis nodded

"We kissed twice so what's the problem?"

"Nothing really but why's you kiss me and don't say to just keep my mouth shut"

"I just want to is that a problem?"


"So why'd you kiss me and don't say to get back at me" he smiled

"I wanted to kiss you"

"knew it" Jacob stood and so did Dennis "Where you going?"

"Mmm I don't know" he pushed Dennis before wrapping his arms around him "What are you going to do about it" Dennis wrapped his hands on his sides.

"I will pull you"


"Why don't you just kiss"

"Needy are we?"

"You know you want to"


"I will force you"

"Control are we?"

"Shut up and kiss me" with that Dennis lifted him up while hold his legs as they kissed. Jacob pulled him in closer as Dennis held him tight on his legs they broke apart.

"Okay I'm need to know something"

"What relationship?"

"Yes Dennis there's a reason why I don't want them" Dennis frowned

"What do mean?" He sighed

"This won't work and you know it" he let him go and he landed on his feet "Dennis I don't want this if it's not going to work"

"Jacob you might be right in almost everything but your wrong about this"

"No I'm not. Let's not go any further"

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