1. The Blaides Family

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The jolt of the car coming to a stop nearly caused my heart to skip a beat; or perhaps even two of them.

Mai Cheng turned the key and pulled it from the ignition. She undid her seat belt and slowly turned around in the driver's seat of the grey Toyota to look at me. I pointedly averted from her gaze that was desperately trying to force me to make eye contact with her.

She took a deep breath before she spoke. "I know things have not been easy for you as of late but you're in a new foster care and we are not going to give up until you are placed in a stable home where you can be happy." The expression on my face caused her to clear her throat and change her choice of words from "happy" to "content."

I did not respond to her weak attempt to make me get out of this confounded car.


I flinched at her use of my first name, she knew I preferred not to be addressed by it and I stayed silent; I refuse to play this little game again. I always lose.

"Krysstine, look out your window."

I glanced to the right, my eyes raking over a picture perfect white three story house. It had a deep red roof and a professionally sculpted front yard.

"Look how nice it is," she began on undoubtedly another plight to get me to cooperate and go into the new house with her. "This is a fresh start for you and this is going to be your new home and I think you'll be very pleased with..."

"Don't Mai" I interrupted.

Her lips transformed into a thin straight line "Do not address me so informally, it is rude. Either Ms. Mai or Ms. Cheng will do, Krysstine" she corrected me then added, "And Excuse me?"

Ignoring her I repeated her first name and went on, Mai, I don't have a home; this is just a house, a building I will sleep in with a family that I will try to deal with but overall will not be able to deal with me. This or any other place you people dump me in will never be home to me," I paused and added "Oh, and I prefer my middle name; Winter, to my first." I crossed my arms

My social worker Mai breathed a deep sigh and shaking what I said off as if she hadn't heard it and changed the subject. "Did you remember to take your medication Krysstine?"

My eyes rolled of their own accord "Remember to take it? Please! You people practically force them on me, right down my very throat..."

"Okay," she quipped cutting me off "That's enough of that, let's go" she said once again exasperated opening her door then stepping out.

The harsh slam of the car door caused me to flinch; I don't like loud noises and I'll bet you, that she knew it. I sunk back against the seat hugging my duffel to my chest then jumped with a yip sound as she rat tatted her knuckles on the window and motioned with her manicured thumb for me to get out.

Here we go again I thought to myself stepping out of the gray Toyota. I blinked as my eyes adjusted themselves to the blinding sunlight. I grabbed the few bags I had and slung them over my shoulder except for one I kept cradled securely to my chest. This one held my secret kitty Chance that I have had forever. It was unzipped enough so he could breathe but not enough so that the rest of the bag's contents could fall out.

I swept my faded pink highlighted curly blonde hair from my face, pushed my glasses further up my nose and walked along the pavement, then paused my thoughts racing; What am I doing? This would be my twelfth foster home ever. I should just run away. I'll be eighteen in less than a year anyway. If foster care hasn't worked for me after seventeen years, it never will. I mean, I am not one to give up and call it quits, but this is just ridiculous! I began walking again; I trudged slowly behind Mai Cheng. First right then left. Left, right then left again. Just like the army, I couldn't help but thinking.

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