CHP 11- date arrangement

241 13 2

Jukyung pulled min jae to her home after school. "You have to help me pick up a dress."

"Okay. Okay. I'm coming. Just stop pulling me. Just wait up for a few minutes. Let me call my boss."

"Okay." Jukyung stopped and smiled.

Min jae shook her head and called her boss.

"Hello Hana, can I take a day off?"

"What? Do you know how many guests are rushing today? I'm tired already."

"Oh. Then I will come."

Hana laughed. "Just kidding. You can take 2 days off in a month. Enjoy the day off and don't waste time without enjoying."

"Oh, thank you, Hana. I will enjoy till the last." Min jae laughed

"Good. Did you get a boyfriend?"

"What? No no." Min jae replied with shock.

"Just kidding. Enjoy. Bye."

"Ahh. Have a great day full of customers. Bye."

Min jae turned to jukyung.

"Jukyung, Hana wants...."

Before min jae could complete jukyung interrupted.

"No no. You have to take the day off and you are spending with me." Jukyung started to min jae in the direction of her house.

"Yeah, wait before I complete. I got a day off."

Jukyung stopped and hugged min jae in joy.

"Let's have a rocking evening min."

Min jae froze. Jukyung was confused about her act.

"Min jae."

Min jae interrupted her. "Don't call me min. Only one person can call me by that name. It makes me miss that person. Pleased jukyung."

Tears started to build in min jae eyes.

"Okay, min jae. Don't worry. I won't. Come let's run. We can't miss the bus."

Jukyung started to pull min jae towards the bus stop. They reached Jukyung's house.

Jukyung took min jae to her room to select a dress. Jukyung showed her dresses one by one.

"That's not cool."

"That doesn't suit you."

"You look like a child."

"No no, you are like aunty."

"This is perfect."

After 1 hour, they decided on the dress for Jukyung.

Jukyung took min jae to her mother's parlour to introduce her to her mother.

Jukyung's mom was with her customer.

"Omma, this is my best friend min jae."

Her mom turned towards min jae.

"Oh my god. How can you be so pretty?"

"Hello, aunty. Thank you, aunty." Min jae bowed and blushed.

"How can you become friends with jukyung?"


"Jukyung is my best friend aunty. " min jae linked her arms with jukyung.

Jukyung went to wash her face.

Min jae was chatting with her mom and customer.

"Ah jukyung, I can't get used to your face." Customer commented.

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