She Calls Me Mommy

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Chapter 1: The Night That Changed My life Forever (part 1)

"Hold still, I'll end up burning you if you don't stop moving!" My mom said exasperated by my relentless fidgeting.

"Well, I wouldn't be wriggling so much if you wouldn't have made me wear this itchy piece of cloth!" I replied just as exasperated as her.

"It's what all the young people are wearing these days now suck it up, and stay still!" She exclaimed having to literally hold me down by my shoulders.

"Yeah, trainee sluts at brothels! I don't even know why you're making me go to this stupid party." I complained still unsure of her reasoning for forcing me into a tribal print miniskirt, black crop top and sky-high stilettos. Did I forget to mention the fact that I've been forced to sit in this dang seat for three hours while she tries to curl my naturally poker straight hair.

"I've told you already, you need to get over your fear of relationships. You've been acting as if there's been a permanent stick up your butt ever since Jason."

"This has nothing to do with him, I'm over him, I just... I'm not used to the single life yet." I said, picking my words careful to try and satisfy my mother. The truth is I'm not over him. It's been a month and we were in a three year relationship, you'd have to be heartless to get over that so quickly... Or just be called Jason as he seems to have 'moved on' to just about every girl in school.

"Okay, whatever you say," My mother said, still not seeming to believe me "anyways I'm done curling your hair, don't touch it or you'll mess up your bangs," she reprimanded "you can look in the mirror now" she said, her mood suddenly lifting tenfold.

I was hesitant to look in the mirror, but I finally managed to prise my eyes open and... disappointment. I just looked like, well, me. I know I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up but my subconscious must have done it anyway.

When I looked in the mirror I saw me, the same green eyes, the same blonde hair and the same average looks. Except now I looked like a slut, fresh off the street corner, with my skirt reaching barely past my ass and top barely covering my chest. I suddenly felt self-conscious of my d-cups and too-large butt and thighs.

"Mom, can I at least where a blazer on top of this?" I said, I could tell that she was extremely underwhelmed by my less-than-positive reaction.

"Oh, okay, well... I'll just..." My mother couldn't seem to find the right words and I started to feel bad about being such a killjoy.

"Wait, mom. Thanks for this makeover. I needed a change and I really appreciate what you're doing, I love you Mom." I said giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"No problem Sweety," she said turning towards my bedroom door "love you too."

I quickly grabbed my purse, some money and - deciding I wouldn't need my phone - headed downstairs.

I kissed my baby sister on the cheek as she played with her building blocks and shouted a quick "bye, love you" to my dad as he watched the football game illuminating the living room intently.

I heard a distinct car horn honk as I grabbed my keys from their hook and was ready to leave, but stopped after hearing my mothers incessant screaming from upstairs "Wait, Skye, WAIT!"

"What is it mom I'm already an hour late!" I yelled back in frustration.

"I forgot to take pictures!" I groaned as my mother came scampering down the stairs in the nine-inch wedges she was 'breaking in' camera in hand.

"I'm not in middle school, and it's not like I'm going to home coming or prom or anything like that! It's just a party, no biggie." I said trying to somehow dwindle her excitement to no avail.

"Oh my gosh, could you imagine that? My daughter going to a big girl party - I think I'm going to cry." She said tearing up as she managed to snap some pictures after cornering me beside the door.

She took a moment to gaze at the pictures and I took that as my chance to make my escape. "Gotta go, love you guys, BYE!" I said quickly rushing out the door.

I carefully made my way down the front steps of my house, making my way toward my best friend Lexi's car. "Sorry I was late Lex, my mom..." I said and I knew she understood.

"It's all good, girl, now it's time to party!" She exclaimed clearly more excited for this than me.

"Yeah, woohoo" I cheered halfheartedly.

"Look Skye," Lex said, pointing out the window "the sky is your limit and you have a chance to prove that you don't need Jason, he doesn't own you and you don't owe him anything, you're young! Live a little, have fun and enjoy the single life while you can!"

I had a newfound confidence at Lexi's words and decided to go for it, Lexi and my mom were right I needed to live a little. Lex put her pumps on the gas and we were at Max's house - more like mansion - and ready to go in less than ten minutes. Arms linked, we strutted into the backyard to see everyone out by the pool.

I became unsure of whether I wanted to stay or not, there were so many people, inside and outside the house. The loud music blasted from the speakers and threatened to burst my eardrums, I had to strain my hearing to listen to Lex "I know you're nervous but this is good for you, S!" She shouted over the music, cheering as Max brought out four more bottles of vodka followed by a group of jocks who brought out eight more cases of beer!

Lex quickly snagged two bottles of vodka and handed me one whilst taking a massive swig out of the other. "Here, take this, you'll need it"

I gladly accepted the vodka, welcoming the sting as I chugged its contents. I cheered along as Lexi and I were dragged along to a picnic table in the middle of the garden.

"Let the party begin..."

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