Unexpected Encounters

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Two weeks had passed since the Quidditch match and its fallout. After making up Y/N and Hermione had grown closer than ever.

Hermione had grown braver in her self confidence, taking every opportunity to grab Y/N's arm, to hold his hand, hug him, rest her head on his shoulder. Y/N had fast become comfortable with the physical proximity and both of them felt the butterflies in their respective stomachs intensify at any of these interactions. Their feelings for each other had grown stronger and stronger as the days went by.

There was a fallout though, from Y/N's outburst at Harry. All of Gryffindor heard it, heard what Y/N had been through. Soon all of the school knew.

The whispering was the worst part- where ever Y/N went he saw the whispered glances, constantly. He didn't let it bother him, he went into his stoic shell, but it was hard on Hermione.

"They have no idea what you went through and they have no right to gossip!"

The pair were at breakfast one day and Hermione was halfway through one of her loud rants. As she glared around the busy breakfast hall she stopped suddenly, shocked, Y/N had lifted her hand and kissed it.

She immediately stopped mid sentence and smiled at Y/N, blushing a deep crimson red colour.

"'Mione, I love you defending me but don't let it upset you."

Hermione tried to fight through her brain fog to reply:

"How can you not let it bother you?"

Y/N spoke in a deep commanding voice. Hermione felt it do something to her stomach. Far more intense than the butterflies she was used to:

"Because I'm a lion. And lions don't concern themselves with the bleating of sheep."

Hermione looked at Y/N wide eyed, her cheeks flushing red again. All she could do was nod.

Ron had sat across from the 'couple' completely confused by their interaction as Y/N returned to the thick tome in front of him.

"What is that book anyway Y/N?" Hermione asked with a giggle, not recognising it from any of their coursework.

"Spell Creation and Magical Theory" Y/N answered with a smile, not looking up from his reading.

"What's that for?" Ron asked puzzled.

"Row- Professor Khanna has been privately tutoring me in Magical Theory. I'm going to be taking it as an elective in third year so he's giving me a head start"

"Magical theory is incredibly complex isn't it?" Hermione asked, slightly stunned but completely impressed.

"It is, but it's a refreshing change from the first year subject material. That always feels akin to tying your shoes laces. This gives me something challenging to sink my teeth into"

He felt eyes boring into him and looked up- Ron was looking at him puzzled. Hermione smirked with an eyebrow raised.

"Did I say something?" Y/N asked innocently. Hermione giggled:

"Well you did kind of compare the curriculum Ron and I are studying to kindergarten"

Y/N smiled bashfully.

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