chapter 20.....

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Taehyung covered his mouth as his tears began to fall slowly.

Yuna managed to stand up and wore her wig which was on the floor. 

She walked towardS Taehyung and hugged him while smiling.

Yuna: What's wrong?  Why are you crying?

Tae: Are you kidding me ??*sniff*

Yuna: Shhhhhh. Come on.  I don't cry. Why would you cry for me?  Plus,  it's not good for your weak heart.  Stop crying now.. It makes me sad.

Taehyung took a deep breath and wiped his tears away.

Tae: I thought you didn't have a very serious sickness.  You look so happy and full of life....

Yuna: Why?  If i'm sick. Should I give up on fun things and life? *chuckles*

Tae: You're so strong....

Yuna: Yeah.  I know. She said as she laughed.

Tae: How can you even laugh like that.. I got starlted.

Yuna caressed his cheek and held his hand. 

They sat on the bed and began to talk.

Tae: Since when do you have this?

Yuna: It's been a while now but i'm at the terminal phase.

Tae: How do you live it?

Yuna: well.. I don't know.  I try my best not to think of it and sometimes I even forget that I'm sick but the reality comes back with the headache,  the tiredeness and me throwing up every hour every day. 

Tae: What did the doctors say?  Do you have chance to survive?

Yuna: *smile* No.

Taehyung turned to her and teared up.

Yuna: Here we go again.  No wonder you have a heart problem.  You're too sensitive to things. *laugh*

Tae: It's just because I'm sad...

Yuna: Why?

Tae: I got attached to you and.... You'll leave soon too...

Yuna: Aish. I'm still here now.  You'll be fine. You're strong and very brave even thought you are not aware of it. 

Tae: ....You look so fine with dying...

Yuna: It's a part life and we human don't have any power on it.  It comes when it wants to come.  That's all.  And i'm not scared.... I mean.  I made up my mind.

Tae: What's about your family.  Won't you miss them?

Yuna lowered her head and smiled. 

Suddenly, someone knocked at the door. 

Yuna stood up and opened. 

???: Yuna.  It's time for your therapy. Come on.

Yuna: Yeah.  I'm coming. Let me just say good bye to my friend.

She went to Taehyung who was lost in his thought.

Yuna: Taehyung.

Tae: Ah? Who is it?

Yuna: It's a nurse.  I'll have to leave. 

Tae: okay.  I'll come back later.  Will it be fine?

Yuna: *chuckles* of course. You can come visit whenever you want. No need to ask.  Go now. I'm sure Jungkook is getting worried. 

Tae: Okay.

Taehyung smiled and went out. 

He was walking in the hallway with trouble mind.  He siged and buried his hands in his pockets.

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