chapter 5 A man in the shadows

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They started up the mountain and saw birds they haven't seen before. "So why do you want to like make friends or kill the dragon anyway?" Asked Kane
"Didn't I tell you. It destoryed our town so I am going to kill it and then rebuild the town so it doesn't get burnt down again," Said Shane
Shane stopped and then started to look around. "Why are we..." Kane started
"SHHHHHHHH," Said Shane
He looked around the tree in the dark and then something moved. It moved fast and then it came out and hit Shane in the back. "AHHH!" yelled Shane
He fell to the ground and the thing laughed with a crackle in his voice. "What do you want!" Yelled Rebecca
The thing stopped laughing and then they could see two red eyes looking a at them and then white baring teeth that were sharp and they had stained blood on them. "You shall not go any further on this mountain," Said the thing
Shane got up and got is favourite sword out of his bag. He ran up to the thing and stabbed it. Its red eyes widened and then Shane brought it out into the open. It was a man but he looked like taken over by something. With his final streng he grabbed onto Shanes shirt and then said. "You will be killed by the one. The one that made me like this. Don't go up there. The dragon it will."
He then went quiet and Shane shook him. "The dragon will what. What! yelled Shane
"Well we have to find out when we meet the dragon," Said Kane
"Yeah," Said Rebecca

So what is the dragon and what was the man and what was he taken over by. and sorry short chapter.

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