Shadows of Evil

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Chapter 111: Shadows of Evil

"Terrible News!" Leroy cried, as he hurried in with the other dwarves following him.

"Leroy...what is it?" David questioned.

"There's trouble in town. There's this kid flying around and he's got some shadowy thing with him," Leroy reported.

"And the shadowy thing is ripping shadowy things from people. And the people aren't getting back up," Happy added.

"One of them did," Doc reminded.

"Oh yeah, one guy got back up, but he wasn't the same," Happy added.

"His eyes were glazed and it looked like he was in a trance or something," Leroy confirmed.

"Pan..." Rumple growled.

"And the shadowy things?" Snow asked.

"The one doing the ripping is Pan's shadow. It does his bidding and rips the shadows from others," Rumple answered.

"Does it kill them?" David asked.

"If the shadow is not reunited with the body...then yes, the body will begin to decay. A shadow is akin to a person's soul," Rumple explained.

"Wait...are you saying we could have decaying bodies walking aimlessly around Storybrooke?" Neal asked.

"Not aimlessly...without a soul, they will be under Pan's control and terrorize the living so Pan can rip their shadows as well. They will have to be put down," Rumple replied.

"Rumple? We cannot put people down! Can't they be reunited with their shadow?" Belle asked.

"If we get them before the souls are consumed," Rumple replied.

"Consumed?" Emma asked.

"Yes...that's how Pan and his lost boys stay young. They consume the shadows or souls of people. The younger the person...the longer it sustains them. And if that person has's like giving Pan a hundred extra lives like a character in one of Henry's video games," Rumple answered.

"The baby..." Persephone muttered. He nodded curtly.

"The baby is pretty much his ticket to eternal life, though Henry or Emma would also nearly get him there as well," he said.

"But Henry doesn't have magic," Regina said, as she put her arms around her son.

"No, but he is born of two very significant bloodlines. Mine, which is riddled in dark magic and Snow and Charming's, which is the direct opposite and rooted in light magic," Rumple reminded.

"Anyone in Persephone's bloodline would add significant years to his youth," Hades agreed.

"So these soulless people that have already had their shadows consumed are just going to wander town and attack people?" Neal questioned.

"I'm afraid so," Rumple confirmed.

"So essentially, they're like zombies," Emma said.

"They don't eat brains, but it's a fairly accurate comparison," Rumple answered.

"Because we needed zombies. We didn't have enough problems as it is," Regina spat bitterly.

"How do we stop him?" Snow asked.

"You don't. You're not going anywhere near this," Persephone protested.

"Mother...I'm not just going to sit back and let Pan reign terror on my town without trying to stop him," Snow protested.

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