Who Will Save Your Soul

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Chapter 63: Who Will Save Your Soul

Snow and David arrived at the convent with Emma and Marco following them.

"Snow...it's so good to see you!" Nova greeted, as she hugged her, surprising Snow. While they may not have known each other back in the Enchanted Forest, Nova was always one person that had been kind to Mary Margaret before Emma, David, and her mother had entered her life.

"It's good to see you too, Astrid...or I guess it's Nova," Snow replied. The pink fairy nodded.

"We need to see Mother Superior. It's urgent...it's about my boy!" Marco insisted.

"I know about August," Blue announced, as she made her presence known.

"He came to me shortly after the curse broke and asked if I would return him to what he was," Blue stated.

"Why didn't you?" Emma questioned.

"Because what he was is what he is," Blue responded, as she turned to Marco.

"Do you remember the morning I found you on that beach all those years ago? The day I turned your son into a real boy?" she asked.

"Yes. It was the happiest day of my life," Marco answered.

"I told Pinocchio that so long as he remained brave, truthful, and unselfish, he would stay a real boy. But I'm afraid he did not. That is why he changed back and that's why there's nothing I can do for him," she said.

"But...he was just a little boy. The burden put on him was something no child could have coped with. Our own daughter was burdened with things she should have never been charged with either," Snow argued.

"She's right...August made mistakes, but he wasn't placed on that path by choice. The two of you set him up to fail and now there's nothing you can do?" David asked, as his anger threatened to boil over. Snow put a hand on his chest and tried to calm him.

"He made mistakes. I made a lot of them too. I got lucky to have the dreamscape, but August didn't have any of that. Doesn't he deserve a second chance?" Emma asked.

"If there is still a path of redemption for August, it is one that he must travel on his own. No one can force him or it will not be true," Blue responded.

"Yeah...he made mistakes and he lied. But so did the two of you! Why is he the only one that's paying for it?" David questioned.

"Charming please..." Snow pleaded, as she put both hands on his chest. He sighed and deflated a bit, but the frustration was still clear on his face.

"There is still hope...there has to be," Snow insisted, as she took his hand and led him out of the convent. Emma and Marco followed, as they were intent on finding August now. Snow didn't know if talking to him again would do any good, but she wasn't giving up.

Tamara wrinkled her nose, as she looked around at the meager living space.

"Not much of a decorator. Then again, I guess a man made of wood doesn't require much," she commented.

"You can see me? You believe?" August questioned.

"Do you think I would have chased down someone called the Dragon if I didn't?" she retorted.

"I don't understand. What are you doing in Storybrooke. How is that even possible?" he asked.

"What I'm doing in Storybrooke doesn't concern you. But I need you to do something. And after what you pulled in Hong Kong, you owe me," she responded.

"What could I ever do for you?" he inquired.

"Leave. It's a simple request, considering what I'm about to offer you," she answered.

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