Baptism of Fire, Pt 1

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Chapter 129: Baptism of Fire, Pt 1

Snow kissed their small ones once more, as they prepared to depart for Camelot that morning. They were dressed in the formal attire of visiting dignitaries. She wore a white/gold gown and an understated tiara on the crown of her head, while his tunic matched her dress in color and paired with his black leather pants.

"We shouldn't be gone least we hope and with any luck, we'll return with Merlin," David said, he kissed the baby's head and then Alexander's as well.

"Just be careful, please...nothing seems to go as planned lately and with that witch out there..." Ruth lamented, as Seraphina put her arm around her.

"We are so worried...but we know why you both must do this," she assured, as she hugged them both.

"I couldn't love you both more than if you were my own..." she gushed.

"We love you too, Mama Sera and we'll be back," David assured.

"Just be careful...when dealing with a King, any King, take my experience to heart. You must anticipate treachery," James warned.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you're worried about me," David replied.

"Hardly...but I'll never hear the end of it if you die," James retorted, but they shared a knowing smirk between them. David turned and saw the pensive look on his wife's face.

"Hey...everything is going to be okay," he assured, as he offered his arm to her. She hooked her hand on his elbow and he leaned down to press his lips to hers.

"I can't lose you..." she whispered, as he pressed his forehead against hers.

"And you won't..." he assured, as Emma joined them. Hades, Persephone, and Van Helsing followed them as well.

"Are you sure bringing him along is a good idea? He's a loose canon," Hades complained.

"'re one to talk, blue hair," Van Helsing retorted.

"Yes, we may need him if things go awry and we have to force our way to the tree to free Merlin and you behave," she said, in a scolding manner.

"I'm on my best behavior," Van Helsing claimer.

"Uh huh...I know you. No instigating a fight unless there is no other choice," she warned.

"You have nothing to worry about from me, My Queen. And your husband isn't quite the menace he used to be," he assured.

"I loathe you," Hades complained.

"And I adore pissing you off," he replied, as they got into the car waiting for them.

" least we'll get there faster than we would have by carriage," David quipped, as they got in and began the journey to Camelot.

The people of Transylvania looked up at the sky with both wonder and fear, as a strange flying contraption loomed in their skies. None were more interested perhaps than Dracula though and he watched the machine land before his castle with great intrigue. He watched curiously, as a man exited the flying contraption and regarded him with scrutiny. He seemed human, but there was something off about him, both in the way he carried himself and his scent. Smell was very important to a vampire and he could smell flesh and blood over a mile away. But while this man was definitely mortal...there was something very different about him and it was more than just the severe burns he had sustained.

"That is quite a technical marvel you have there," Dracula said with interest. Hyde smirked.

"Yes...and it can travel to any realm you desire," he prompted.

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