Ever since I was an Infant I had always looked down on love, and for good reasons too, my mother and father of course being children of royalty had married not out of love but for the unity of their respective kingdoms however my mother had hope, she hoped she could form a sort of sentimental relationship with my father but my father was a man of greed and self-importance, he dismissed all her attempts at forming a family of love and instead brought in a new concubine, Lady Adele was his most favored and only concubine, she was treated with respect while my mother was shunned by the servants, people of high society, her family, and most especially her husband, driven into isolation she stayed in her chambers and slowly began to wither, but a drunken king had one day wandered into her chambers and assulted her, my mother was a woman of value, she had refused to consummate in a marriage without love, she didn't want the children she would bring into this world to experince a childhood where both parents lived sepreately, that incident was the last straw for her, her mentality couldn't handle it anymore so upon hearing of her pregnancy she fell into a state of depression.

I, being the daughter of an unfavored queen received no rights as royalty while the children the concubine birthed received everything but I didn't care, I enjoyed being alone and drawing whatever came to mind, it was a way of comfort but now I know I should have cared maybe if I did care, maybe if I had fought, then maybe I could have stopped my mother's death, she was depressed but she always fulfilled her motherly duties, she was the only true family I had and now she was gone, I begged and pleaded for them to examine my mother once she first collapsed but was ignored, I was told she would wake up soon but she didn't, a few months had passed and a passing servant had noticed a vile smell exuding from the queen's room, she went to investigate and found my mothers decomposed body with the 5-year-old me laying beside it. The death of the woman that cared for me hurt me, I wanted and still want revenge, once my father came to visit me I jumped down my bed and ran over to me, I did everything I could to make him cry, I bit him, I scratched, I kicked, I screamed, but I couldn't get even a dent on his skin. "Take care of the child," he said, "yes, sire" a physician replied, I had suddenly realized something, I had never seen my father before, only once when I was 4 and even then it was his voice I had managed to hear, and the man I was trying to harm was not my father.

Love, all these happened because of love, because of a love my mother wished for but could never attain. while in thought I heard a guard stationed outside announce the concubine's entry, it was her, my hatred aimed not at her but at the man who married my mother, at least that's what I thought but upon seeing her I made a face of disgust, I expected her to have me punished for insolence but rather surprisingly she sat beside me and waved for the doors to be closed, she then held my hand and spoke "you can hate me all you want dear but I must let you know that I am truly sorry for the demise of your mother" was she comforting me? I thought, she then embraced me, she was warm, I had felt an unfamiliar yet familiar feeling when she held me, I was but a child and so I burst into tears while holding onto her tight, would she love me as my mother once did? After a while she ordered some treats to be brought in and fed to me, she was rather kind for a concubine. "come in dears" she said while facing the door, as soon as she said that two kids ran into the room, my half-siblings, "mom is she our new sissy?" the little girl asked while climbing up the bed to get to her mother's lap, "yes,  she is" the concubine replied and carried the little girl and placed her onto her lap. The male seemed about 10 years old but he wouldn't speak, for the years I have known him, he wasn't very good at socializing.

It's been 15 years since then, I have received love and warmth from these people whom I thought hated me, and for a while, I forgot about revenge that was until my father the king showed up on my 20th birthday, it was also the day it all began, with a terrifying look on his face he and several guards barged into my courtyard and dragged adele and her children away, "what are you doing?" I asked confused, it was about to happen again, I was about to lose my family again, apparently, adele had been planning a rebellion, and her children were convicted because they were her children, but I knew for a fact it was all just a plot my father had devised to gain the honor of the citizens who viewed him as an irresponsible leader. They were all later assisnated, alone in my chambers I had constantly wept and wailed, a proper burial wasn't even given to them, how could someone be so cruel? I thought, having no other heir, he had summoned me to take the title of the crown princess, the moment I saw his smiling face in the throne hall was the moment I decided it was time for revenge.

                        ~Blades of love~

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