PERCIVER 36: Match Makers

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"They're both so oblivious..." Ginny says as she looks at her older brother and his 'best mate' talk. Everyone was in the great hall so the crowd was bustling with joy, chatting about the quidditch games starting in the ongoing weeks and so on. "Look at those blokes, Fred and George." Ginny says, calling for her twin brothers Fred and George Weasley. "We do in fact notice sis and guess what we got just the things for this." They say. "Good and if this fails, I'd just like to say I told you so." Ron says from the other side. "Aw c'mon don't be a Pessimist, Ronnie" Fred says to Ron. "Shuddup, what will you even do? You're practically banned from using any sort of strange magic outside of class."
Ron says. "Who said we're doing the magic?" George asks. "Wait, no way, Harry!!" Ron scolds Harry. "What? They paid me so I'm helping them." Harry answers. "No Harry, look I love you like my own brother, and like a brother I'm telling you that listening to those bloody idiots is a death wish."
"I'm getting offered chocolate frogs so unless you have any money I'm going with their plan."
"Harry, no."
"Harry, yes."
Fred and George say dragging Harry over to their side of the table. "OI YOU THREE- Hermione help a mate out!" Ron said to Hermione who was too busy with reading to notice anything. "Mione!"
"Oh! Yes Ron?" Hermione answers completely unaware of the situation. "Fred and George just took Harry to do one of their stupid shenengins!" Ron exclaims to Hermione. "Okay and you except me to?" Ron waited for a continuation but only a sarcastic look followed. "I-I don't know stop them with something??" Ron says to Hermione who silently sips on some tea. "Why? Ya know that Percy and Oliver-"
"Cause they're over stepping someones boundaries???"
Hermione gave up on explaining at that point.
"I don't know! Cause they're dumb bloody blokes."
This "why" chain continued on for a while.
That was until. "Hermione, Ron." Hermione and Ron stopped to see the boy sitting at the end of the table say. "Quiet down, people are trying to eat." Percy Weasley says as both Ron and Hermione stop their arguing. "I continue saying why then stop talking to me, I swear you're gonna get us in trouble." Hermione complains to Ron who was baffled. "I'll get us in trouble?! Mate I'm trying to stop trouble unlike you."
"It's none of our business what they're doing." Hermione states. Ron turned his head to the other side. "If you're so worried tell Percy he'll stop them." Hermione says opening her book back up. Percy was currently busy ranting about something to Oliver who was taking it in from ear and throwing it out from the other. "fine then." Ron says getting up. "Wait I didn't know you'd take that seriously." Hermione says, it wasn't loud enough to stop Ron however as he goes to Percy and taps on his shoulder. "Brother." Ron simply says as Percy turns his head back looking at Ron with a look of disgust. "Fred and George just took Harry on some kind of strange shenengins aren't you gonna stop them?" Ron complains. "I'll check it out, do you know what their doing?"
"Oh I don't know why don't you ask your little sister who started this?"
Ginny over hears and looks at Ron in anger. "What'd I do????" She asks. "Why don't you tell me outside, both of you will cause a ruckus here." Percy says stopping the argument from continuing in th great hall. All three stepped out and Ginny says. "Look I just told them that you and Oliver looked suspicious, I never said to do anything."
"Ginny, It's none of your business about what to do in this situation, you should know this by now!" Percy scolds Ginny. "Now look Fred and George are gonna pull some dumb stunt cause of this. You know those two never listen and along with Harry?!" Percy says in frustration. "I'll go talk to them and I don't wanna see another mess from you Ginny." Percy says, Ginny looks down. "Yes brother."
"Good, Ron, come with me." Percy says as he took Ron along with him to the Gryfindor common room as quick as possible. "Do you know where they went?"
"No, I tried to stop those bloody blokes but they wouldn't listen."
Ron says as both walk up the grand staircase. "Not helpful but I'm glad you tried." Percy (tries to) compliments Ron.
"Caput Draconis." Percy says to the fat lady portrait. "jeez small talk isnt a thing?" the painting says condesendingly. "Look I don't have time for this, I need to find my brothers."
"Oh Fred and George, I think they went to the Potion classroom, I heard the mention it." The fat lady explains. "Really? Thanks so much." Percy thanked the woman. "Oh no problem."
So after a long while walking to the potions room and looking for professor McGonagall, they found the twins and Harry. "You three are in so much trouble!" Percy says as he slams the door open with Professor McGonagall behind him. The three jump almost dropping what seemed to be a potion. "Thank you Percy. I'll handle it from here." McGonagall says as Percy gives the three startled boys a death glare. "Yes professor."
After all of this Harry and the twins got detention and Percy was was back in his dorm. He immediately fell onto the bed. "Hey perce! What happened? You were gone for so long." Oliver asks as he polishes his Broom on the bed next to Percy's. "three words: Fred and George." Percy says a hand massaging his own head. "What did do this time? Lemme guess try to blow up the potions class."  Oliver joked. Percy smiled as he sat up on his bed. "Close enough I guess, they tried to make a love potion." Oliver laughed. "What for whom? Alicia?" Oliver laughed even harder. Percy held back his laughter trying to be serious. "No, it was for a dumber reason."
"hmmmm, tell me I can't guess a dumber reason." Oliver asks. "Well Ginny got it in Fred and George's head that it'd be a good idea to make a love potion for the two of us." Percy plainly said. Oliver laughed again. "Really?! C'mon how oblivious is your family?" Oliver asked. "A lot apperently since none of them know I'm dating you."
"Did no one try to tell them?" Oliver said. "Probably not cause this probably wouldn't have happened then." Percy says as he puts his glasses on his side table. Oliver gets up and sits necmxt to Percy. "Rough day huh?" Percy puts his head on Oliver's shoulder. "Yeah.." Percy says as he closes his eyes.
"Hey don't fall asleep on me!" Oliver says trying to push Percy away, making Percy complain and cling to him more. "Lemme sleep!" Percy says loudly as Oliver finally gives up after a long battle. "Fine, I'll sleep with you jeez."
"Good now shut up, I don't wanna talk anymore."
"Fine ya big baby, I'll sleep."
I'm a sucker for plot twists.

Anyways question of the gay.
Are you gay?
I am. Thank you.

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