PERCIVER 21: First meeting

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*Nervous laughter*
"MOM! THE TRAINS GONNA LEAVE IN AN HOUR!" The excited Percy yelled as it was gonna be his first year at the famous Hogwarts. He was going with his older brothers, Bill and Charlie. "I'm coming, strawberry! Wait a bit!" Percy groaned at his mother's nickname for him. "Oh Strawberry, do you know where my prefect badge is?" Bill asked unironicly. Percy sighed and said, "Don't call me that and it's in your trunk, Bill!" Bill came running down the stairs his trunk in hand, "Whatever, Come on, get Scabbers and let's wait outside for mom." Bill responded, Charlie came following behind him with Percy and His own trunk in hand. "Thanks Charlie." Percy said as Charlie handed Percy over his trunk along with Scabbers who looked a lot better than before when he'd gotten sick. "No problem, Perce, oh look at the time, Call mom we're gonna be late!" Charlie said looking at his muggle watch that Aruther gave him for his birthday. "I'll call her." Percy volunteered, His brothers just shurgged and waited outside as Percy ran into the house to go get Molly, so they can leave soon. "Mom? We're gonna be late!" Percy cried out entering his mother's room, Scabbers was in his pocket, peeking slightly out of the pocket. "Oh sorry strawberry, Why don't we go now." She said as soon as she saw Percy at the corner of her eye. "Quick!" Percy said, Molly walked over to him and followed the excited Percy down the stairs Scabbers looked scared as to how fast the boy was going, Percy may not be athletic but oh boy was he a fast runner. Molly came panting right behind Percy and exited the house. "Okay mom, the portkey's ready we just have to walk a bit to it." Charlie said.
After a short walk they made it to the portkey in which they travelled over to the king's cross station. It was Percy's first time but he wasn't too dizzy, Scabbers a tiny bit but definitely not like Charlie's first time on a portkey where he was so dizzy he was spinning naturally on his own. "Okay so we have everyone no one's missing an arm, so I think we should go over to the station.
Percy had plenty of knowledge about the station already so he was already prepared and went before his brothers straight into the wall making it to The Hogwarts station, Percy felt so happy and his happiness was out of control. Bill and Charlie came right behind him. "Looks like the train will be leaving in 20 minutes we better get on board before every cabin is full, Come Perce I'll take your trunk in." Charlie said as the strong Quidditch captain picked up Percy's trunk, Percy didn't mind Charlie picking up his trunk and he just followed his brothers in. He gave Scabbers some snacks after getting onto the train but some of it fell so Scabbers being really hungry ran for the food. "Wait Scabbers!!" Percy said almost tumbling over to the floor, he got his balance and ran for Scabbers in the train. Some students were pushed away while Percy ran at The speed of light trying to catch Scabbers but Scabbers was even more fast then Percy.
*??? Pov*
Oh look a rat, I wonder who's it is, better pick it up and take it to the owner. He looks pretty hungry, better give him some treats. Thankfully I have a bunch of treats.
Um wait is that boy running toward me? "O-Oh I'm so sorry I didn't mean to!" I had tumbled over with the boy, he had bright red hair, light blue eyes and horn rimmed glasses. "Oh no it's fine! If you don't mind though could you get up." I asked the boy with the rat still in my hand. The boy became shy and got me up form the ground. "So sorry, I was looking for my rat Scanners." He said, he looks pretty embarrassed. I should ask him if he was looking for the rat I have in my hand right now. "Oh is this your rat?"
"Oh yeah! Thank you I hope I didn't cause you any issues." I smile and say "no absolutely not! I'm Oliver Wood by the way, I'm a first year." I introduced myself to the boy who then replied "Nice to meet you Oliver, I'm Percy Weasley, Im a first year too." Percy seemed like a nerd and pretty shy so I ask him if he wants to sit with me on the train and he said yes so we're in the cabin now after that rough meeting.
Oliver and Percy talked for a long time, they both shared eachother they're interests and hobbies and though their hoobies and likings were a bit different they both still became pretty great besties. Thanks to Scabbers being a good match maker
Heyo everyone it's your home skillet, Ann back with another really late update. This not really my typical story but I really wanted to imagine how they met eachother soooo sorry if this isn't really the funniest or the best.
Today's question!!
What wizarding job would you love to have! (Professors, Ministry workers etc)
- I think I'd like to be a healer in the st. mugos or your typical professor more specifically a full time defence against the dark arts teacher or maybe a muggle studies teacher.

Also if you have any requests make sure to dm them to me I'd greatly appreciate it!

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