7. scars

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(Important A/N: Hey! So I noticed I made a mistake with the plot and decided to go back and change a few things. Basically, Jayce doesn't become Councilor until after Jinx steals the Hextech Crystals! Sorry for the mixup. Any chapters I mention Jayce being Councilor has been changed!)

The truth was, Viktor knew exactly who Alt was the moment he laid eyes on her. She was just as Jayce described, beautiful, polite, and willing to help anyone, including some poor, sick sod like him.

"Did you hear about what happened last night?" He asked, turning to watch her face.

"Hmm?" She hummed, "What happened?"

Alt already knew of course, but she wanted to see what people from the Overcity thought of the event.

"Somebody blew up a building, killed some enforcers."

Alt raised a brow, her lips rising into a smirk. "Oh? How terrible."

She helped him up the stairs one by one, lifting him up with each step. Even Viktor was not that patient himself.

"I reckon the Academy's not quite handicapped friendly, huh?" She joked, earning a slight chuckle from him. "I suppose." He replied, "All the genius in the world and they still can't find ways to help me walk up the stairs without help." He added, making both of them laugh. They finally reached the floor and she let him settle down on his own. 

"Oh, perfect. I'm supposed to keep guard of this floor." Alt noted, "That's great." She smiled at him, patting his shoulder. She was ordered by Marcus to guard the lab in the Academy under the guise of having more protection for Jayce, but in reality, she had chosen the shift herself so she could gather intel. It proved to be one of the best decisions she's made in a while.

"What exactly is it that you do?" She asked, "I'm just curious."

He nodded at her question, suddenly looking embarrassed. "I'm..I'm just a scientist."


The pair turned to see Jayce jogging, waving with a huge smile. "Hey!" He waved. He caught up to the two, "You know each other?" He asked, finger pointing between Viktor and Alt. Alt laughed, looking at Viktor with a smile.

"Yeah, we go way back — " she checked her watch, "To five minutes ago, actually." Jayce noticed how comfortable Viktor was around her, she seemed to be perfect in his eyes. He didn't retreat back into his shell around her like the normal Viktor would.

"How do you guys know each other?" She asked.

"He's my partner in crime!" Jayce proudly announced, resting a hand on his friend's shoulder. " We work together, he's also the lead scientist here." Alt raised her brows in surprise, "Viktor? Oh! I had no idea I was talking to the Viktor!"

Viktor shot a look at Jayce, "He's talked about me? Funny, he's said a lot of things about you, too!"

Alt smiled, "All bad, I hope."

"Ha! Hardly. It's always Lizzy this and Lizzy that — " Viktor began to ramble. "A-alright you can stop now." Jayce said, cheeks flushed, though neither of them listened to him. Jayce cringed, watching Alt amuse herself with Viktor's embarrassing stories about how he was practically obsessed with her.

"Anyways, I digress. Let's open up the lab, shall we?" Viktor whipped out a key, waving it in front of Jayce. Alt pretended not to be too interested, but she had never really seen what the inside of the lab looked like, she was only ordered not to let people in.

Her back was faced to the door, but she turned around almost immediately when she heard she gasp.

"The crystals! They're gone!"

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