24. go to bed and ressurect

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They finally made it back home.

Alt came out of it relatively unscathed but Silco had a few wounds to have taken care of. A bruised lip, a cut on his eyebrow and a bloody nose.

"That...man...Who was that?" Alt asked as she sat on Silco's desk while she stitched his eyebrow cut.

"Who knows? We should consider ourselves lucky we didn't get blown into smithereens." He said, lips pressed into a thin line.

Alt laughed, "No, but seriously. What did he want?"

Silco opened his mouth to speak, before stopping himself. Pierre or whoever that man was, looked an awful lot like Alt. The resemblance was practically uncanny. Silco kept Alt's voice in his head as background noise as he drifted further and further away.

"Dad! Mum! No!" The little boy screamed as Sevika shot one of them dead. The man. The woman, already with a bullet wound in the stomach, tried to crawl away from them, blood oozing out from her wound.

"Next time, maybe you'll learn not to double-cross us."Silco cringed, he always wondered why Sevika had to make them violent. A shot to the head would have sufficed. The boy fell to the ground sobbing as Silco noticed the noises coming from the kitchen. He reached for his dagger, signaling Sevika to stand down.

All Silco found was weeping toddler hiding in the cupboards. His heart dropped. It was a girl, she looked no older than 3 and was as tall as a garden gnome. She stared up at him with large, emerald eyes. There were no words to convey the feeling of guilt that shattered his heart.

The boy ran as fast as he could up to Silco and began to punch him. The hits were nothing, one could even say they tickled. The boy yelled as he began to punch Silco, each hit becoming harder. Sevika pulled the boy by his shirt, making him fall on his butt.

"This is why I never had kids." Silco sighed, grumbling to himself.

"Get away from her!"

Silco lifted up the girl in his arms, a frown was evident on his face.

"Let's go. I'll...I—I'll take care of this one, maybe bring her to an orphanage or something." He told his underlings. "Sevika. Stay and clean up this mess you've made. And the...boy."

Sevika held the boy by his shoulders as he thrashed and wailed. Silco didn't know what she was going to do to him. He wouldn't have really minded if she killed him, it wasn't his kid. But he felt personally responsible for the baby girl. For the first time in his life, he felt guilty.

He looked down at the sleeping child in his arms as the rain poured relentlessly on him. The only sign of light was the streetlamp flickering next to the orphanage he was in front of. Silco stood at the steps of it, occasionally looking at the front door, then at the kid, then back at the door. He sighed, ringing the bell.

As the nun behind the door yelled she was coming, he looked into Alt's big, green eyes. She stirred awake and stared right back at him, cooing.

The nun opened the door with a smile, but she was met by no one.

On the other side of Piltover, the good side, Sevika held the tranquillised boy in her arms, shielding him from the rain with her umbrella. 'PILTOVER ESTEEMED ORPHANAGE' She furrowed her brows, what the hell does an 'Esteemed Orphanage' even mean? She shook her head, ringing the bell and setting the boy, wrapped in blankets, down on the steps of the orphanage.

Silco shook his head, even laughing at the thought of the boy actually being her brother. He chuckled, shaking his head. No. No way. He laughed all the way to the meeting where he had Sevika poison his stupid associates with the gas from Zaun. This put him in a good mood, otherwise he would have told her to kill them.

Alt stayed in her room that was well decorated again. It looked like it was full of stuff now, different from how it was when she had a home of her own.

She banged her head on the desk.

Alt stared at the polished hexcrystal in her hand, the orb glowing brightly against her face. She found herself mesmerised by it.

She tried to focus on the crystal, she really did. But all Alt could think about was the man who had kidnapped him. Silco must have noticed it too, he'd be a fool if he didn't. That man — Pierre — or whoever the hell, looked a whole lot like her.

Alt's mind could not let her rest that night as she went down to the Last Drop, ordering a drink from the bartender. He was a blonde boy, not much older than Alt.

"What can I get y' miss?" He asked, polishing a glass with a clean rag.

"The usual." She mumbled out, lost in thought, before she signalled for him to come closer with her index finger.

"Hey...come here." She whispered, the man gulped in anxiety.


"What can you tell me about Pierre?" Alt asked in a low, quiet voice. "Scruffy face, tall, black-haired — kinda...real suave?"

"Uh..." The man started sweating and stammering. His eyes darted to the multiple people in the bar. They were listening. They all were. "Ummmm...."

He yanked himself out of her grip, holding his hand up.

"I cannot speak of this." He shushed her when Alt started to stand up and bare her teeth at him.

"Hey! B-but — What I can do is..." The bartender looked around, eventually grabbing a clean napkin off of a shelf and writing down on it with shaky hands.

He handed the napkin, trembling, "Here you go."

She nodded, a small smile on her face. Well, interrogation was successful after all.

"Thank you kindly." She tipped her drink that he nervously set down in front of her and shoved the napkin in her pocket after reading it.

"Pierre is an ALIAS. No one knows his true name. Worked for P.I in Piltover under the name James Jones."

"Well," Alt sucked in her teeth, "Looks like we're gonna have a little visit to the Overcity

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"Well," Alt sucked in her teeth, "Looks like we're gonna have a little visit to the Overcity."

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