17. my iron lung

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Jayce led her to the hospital, it was the first time in a week that they had not said a mean word to one another. She rushed to Viktor's side the moment she saw him, Alt only began to breathe once she realized he was not awake. Jayce sighed, sitting down on a chair with his head in his hands.

"What happened?" He asked.

"You know he's always been sick." She brushed strands of hair that fell on Viktor's face out of his eyes. There was no color on his face at all. He looked so peaceful. Somehow, his features were more delicate than they already seemed. She traced his cold cheekbones with her warm finger, Viktor always reminded her of those ancient male statues. The ones that looked so feminine in the way they posed but were crafted to be masculine as well. Alt pulled up another chair and sat next to Jayce.

She yawned, leaned on his shoulder, and stared straight ahead. Alt hadn't slept since yesterday. She watched as he played with his hands, wringing his fingers around each other before stopping. Then he began to pick at his nails, which made her hold his hands in protest.

"Stop." She told him, "It's not good to pick your nails like that." She scolded him like she was talking to a child. Alt was particularly gentle with him today, knowing how much Jayce truly cared about Viktor.

He sank back into his seat.

Viktor woke up to two people dead asleep by his side. He groaned, shifting in his bed. It didn't smell like his house, it smelled like medicine. There were so many wires going in and out of his body. Jayce was the first to awaken, his eyes shocked that Viktor was awake so soon. He smiled, Viktor could tell his friend was resisting the urge to just jump up and hug him.

"I'll go get the doctor."

The door shut and Viktor's gaze shifted to the light weight on his bed. Alt laid her head on his bed, her long, black hair covering her face. He hesitated for a moment, but his cold fingers brushed the strands of hair away.

The movement made her eyes squint and she was starting to wake up. Just for a moment could he imagine she was sleeping by his side.

"Vik! You're awake!" Alt exclaimed, her eyes lit up like the blazing sun, she felt like it, too. She jumped to hug him gently, entangling her fingers in his coarse hair.

He coughed out a laugh, or perhaps he laughed out a cough. Either way, it did not matter. He was happy to see her, feel her warmth. Alt felt the same way, she couldn't keep her hands off of him. She seemed okay but her hands had minds of their own, and they were afraid that if she let go he wouldn't be there anymore.

"How long do I have left?" He asked weakly, staring up at the ceiling. She turned his face to look at her.

"Don't worry about that, yet. Just be happy you're still here." She was trying to be as positive as possible in their situation. 

Alt's smile was permanent on her face as she giggled and kissed him on the cheek. She stopped when he fell silent, he looked positively starstruck.

"No one's ever done that to me before..." He said, touching his cheek, where she kissed him.

"What? Kiss you on the cheek? Your family never did it for you?" Alt titled her head, hands still grasping his cold one.

"No...I'm from the Undercity...and things are less than — ideal down there."

Alt raised a brow, this information was interesting. "I never would have guessed. I mean — you walk, talk and act like you're from the Overcity." She kept her hand on his shoulder, gently massaging it in a friendly way. Alt was jittery, he always knew that. She was an anxious person, but it was at an all-time high right now. 

He laughed, shaking his head.

"I guess I've overstayed my welcome here." He shrugged. 

"I'm just happy you're okay, Vik. You gave us quite a scare." She ruffled his hair, making him slap her hand away playfully. 

Alt stayed for a few more hours before Viktor forced her to go home with what little strength he had. Jayce tossed his coat over her as they walked home together. She shivered lightly, the nights in Piltover were strangely cold sometimes. 

"Not that I'm complaining, but why did you decide not to get a ride back home for me?" She asked, holding the coat in place as Jayce shielded the two of them from the light midnight rain with an umbrella. 

"You like walks." He smiled softly. "Don't you?"

Alt couldn't suppress her grin, so she didn't. "Yeah. I do." She looked down at her shoes, suddenly they were the most interesting thing in the world. She never would have guessed that Viktor was from the Undercity. It made things more clear, she had always had an affinity for him since she met him on her second week at the Academy. 

That was the end of their conversation until they reached her door. Alt took off her shoes immediately, barging in her door as soon as she unlocked it and turning on the stove to boil the kettle in one swift movement.

She only realized Jayce wasn't inside when she turned around. He stood at the door, looking unsure of himself and staring at his shoes like she did when they were walking. He had the same glum face. 

"You know you can come in right?" She scoffed, he snapped out of his daze and walked right in, as if he was waiting for her permission.

"I just thought - since we'd been on not-so-great terms you wouldn't..." He trailed off. Alt rolled her eyes, "Jayce, my door is always open for you. Don't be so stupid."

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