Aliens In New York? Again?!

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My dad and I walk outside, followed by Bruce, Doctor Strange, and Wong. People are screaming and running, cars are honking, and things are blowing away. My dad and I start to walk in the direction that people are running from, and two people bump into each other, and my dad tries to help the woman up, but she jumps away from him when a car crashes next to us.

"Help him!" shouts my dad. "Banner!" says Wong. "Wong! Look alive! Madison, stay close to me!" says my dad. "Got it!" I say. "Go, go! We got it!" says Bruce.

My dad and I put our Friday-powered glasses on. "Friday, what am I looking at?" asks my dad. "Not sure. I'm working on it," says Friday.

My dad turns around to face Doctor Strange, and he says, "Hey! You might wanna put that Time Stone in your back pocket, Doc!" "Might wanna use it!" says Doctor Strange as he gets his powers out.

We turn around a corner, and I see a spaceship, and for the first time, I hide behind my dad. My parents told me to stand behind them while explaining to the Avengers that they had a kid last year, but that was different. They told me to stand behind them. This time, I'm standing behind my dad out of fear. Besides, it's very dusty out here.

"Friday, evac anyone south of 43rd Street. Notify first responders," says my dad. "Will do," says Friday. Doctor Strange does some magic, and it doesn't work. Oh, no. That's not good. Then a beam of blue light comes from the ship, and two aliens appear.

Aliens in New York? Again! You can't be serious. Someone pinch me. I must be dreaming. Not this again. Don't tell me Loki is back too. I'm already having déjà vu.

My dad walks towards them, and I follow him. My heart is beating out of my chest. If I could fly away, I would, but I might get in trouble with my dad for doing so.

You see, my dad has a rule called "If I can't see you, you're in the wrong place." I follow it about 80% of the time.

"Hear me and rejoice. You are about to die at the hands of the Children of Thanos," says the smaller alien. The bigger one speaks in an alien language.

"Be thankful that your meaningless lives are now contributing to balance..." starts the smaller alien, only to be interrupted by my dad.

My dad interjects, "I'm sorry. Earth is closed today. You better pack it up and get out of here." I smile, and I move to stand next to my dad.

"Stone keeper. Does this chattering animal speak for you?" says the smaller alien. "Certainly not. I speak for myself. You're trespassing in this city and on this planet," says Doctor Strange as he and Wong get their powers ready.

"He means get lost, Squidward," says my dad. "He exhausts me," says the smaller alien. "Seriously, Earth is way too crowded. Go home! Come back when the world ends. There'll be plenty of space then," I say. "Nice one," whispers my dad.

The small alien is speechless. The bigger alien speaks in his alien language, and the smaller one recovers from my comment and says, "Bring me the stone." The bigger one starts walking towards us with his big spiky ax. "Uh, dad? Plan B?" I say, getting nervous.

"Banner, you want a piece?" asks my dad. "N-no. Not really. But when do I ever get what I want?" says Bruce. "That's right," says my dad. "Okay. Push!" says Bruce, and he starts to turn a little green. "It's been a while. It's gonna be good to have you, buddy," says my dad. "Okay. Shh. Let me just... I need to concentrate here for a second," says Bruce.

His voice was a little deeper when he said that. But wait, since when has Bruce needed to concentrate on becoming the Hulk? Doesn't it kinda just happen? I mean, that's what my mom has been saying all these years. Same with my dad.

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