Sugar - Zonah

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Warnings ⚠️: Needles, Diabetic Jonah, lots of medical chaos

Zach pov

This morning, Jonah is actually a little bit off. He is moody which isn't like him. This happens sometimes when his blood sugar gets too low. I probably should have mentioned he's type 1 Diabetic. His pancreas doesn't do it's job properly. His blood sugar can get in abnormal patterns, causing his mood to change and causing him to not feel good. I have a feeling that he's acting up because of his sugar being off. He's still getting used to his diabetes. So I am trying my best to help him.

Hey, Jo? Have you checked your blood sugar today?" I asked calmly, wrapping myself around him. He just glares at me before breaking down completely. "I-I can't do this a-anymore!" He cries, hugging me. "Hey, Jonah. Can you explain to me what you thinking?" I use a technique I got from one of Jonah's doctors. "Like giving up! W-Why did I have to be d-diabetic?!" at this point he was bawling. "Well, you don't want to give up, you're way too strong to do that. Do you mind if I check your levels?" I began to rub his back. Then, Corbyn walked in. "What's going on?" He shows his concern, sitting next to us. "I think he's low." I whispered. "I'm gonna check ok?" I look to Jonah, get a nod in response.

I make my way to the counter and getting the supplies. "Ok Babe, ready?" He just nods, letting me grab his hand. I clean his index finger with an alcohol wipe, before pricking his finger. Then, I grab the monitor, the thing that tests his blood. I press it up to the small drop of red liquid. After waiting five seconds, the numbers show up on the small screen. "Oh, honey! No wonder you don't feel good. 53! Let's fix that okay?" I Crouch down in front of him. A small whimper slips past his lips, as he nods weakly. I lean up and press a kiss against his nose.

I went over and got a low-sugar granola bar and gave it to Jonah. We waited about twenty minutes after he finished eating before retesting. We both were very happy to see he was now at 102 instead of 53 and dropping. Within the twenty minutes, Jonah's mood had changed dramatically. "I'm glad that you are feeling better baby." I kissed his temple, wrapping myself around him. "Me too." He hums, slowly lulling off to sleep. "I love you, Jo."

A/N: short soft-story 🥺 hope you enjoyed it

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