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Another more than ordinary day. Battles, missions, weapons have become my daily life for almost 3 years now. My name is Ellie Davis. I am 22 years old and I joined the avengers for a little while now. Tony made me join his team when I was only 19 years old.

Today is a rainy Friday, nothing planned for this weekend, we are going to have a meeting with all the team to know the binomials that will work with for a little while. According to Fury, we would be more efficient and we could work on different parts of the globe at the same time.

I don't have the power to get into people's heads, I'm not a super soldier or even a god.
I was trained in Poland, when I was young, I'm just a spy, a bit like Natasha. I think Fury will put us together because we have the same abilities to fight etc...

Cohabitation at the camp with all the other avengers and not disturbing. Thor only lives in Asgard, he comes only from time to time. Clint lives with his family in the country. Vision and Wanda spend their time together. Cap and Tony are the same thing. I'm not very close to James.. I don't think he's very fan of me. I've already tried talking to him a few times... I've only had the right to his unbearable gaze. Well, we can't be appreciated by everyone, can we? I do have to admit that even though he has a terrible mindset he looks gorgeous, but this stays between us.

When I arrive in the meeting room, everyone is there except Wanda, Clint and Bucky. I don't think he's coming, with his arrogant look he doesn't care about a lot of things that have to do with work. When it comes to do something together he leaves, he's really selfish on that point.

The meeting start. Fury begins his speech by reminding us of the basic rules. He tells us about his strategy: to be able to protect the whole world thanks to binomials. He also tells us that it will be a « try period », that if it does not work we will resume our normal operations.

He starts by saying that Tony and Cap will be together, which doesn't shock me too much because I honestly think they complete each other. He continues to present the duets. He puts Natasha with Clint, I am a little disappointed because I thought I was with Natahsa. He continues with his list.

"Mrs. Davis you are going to work with Bucky. I sincerely think you can bring each other something and you will make a beautiful duet in my opinion. Talking about that,does someone knows where he is? said Fury"

"No, I haven't seen him since yesterday," says Sam

"Okay, can someone tell him about his binomial because I'm not going to have a meeting every time he's not here !" protest!Fury

"I will," Steve says.

Fury continues to present the duets.
I am disgusted. The only person with who I have the least affinity, are you kidding me?

Fury may be right, we may be able to bring something to each other, I have seen him train several times and we have already fought side by side and it is true that he is really good, but he will have to stop with his stare, otherwise it may be complicated.

After the meeting I go back to my apartments, full of emotions. I take a good shower to calm down. I'm starting my first mission with my binomial on Monday. It's Friday night and nobody knows where he is. Great. I end up training and going to bed. My night is very restless. I get up, when I'm stressed I often have insomnia or anxiety attacks. So I get up, I try everything, but I can't sleep. It's 4:00 in the morning. I go to the kitchen to try to find something to eat. When I hear someone making noise. I go to the room. Bucky's room...

"James?" I knock

"Who is this? » he says.

"This is Ellie."

He opens the door "What do you want?"

"I heard a noise I wanted to know if everything was okay"

"everything is all right" he says

"I don't know if you know, but Fury put us both in binomial."

"Steve told me" he replies

"we start Monday in brooklyn, they have booked us rooms in a hotel for an indeterminate duration" I continue

"I know"

"and what do you think?"

"Honestly, I don't really care, now can you leave me?"

Shocked, I say "uh yeah, excuse me, good night"

he closes the door.

Shocked I scream through the door ironically  "always a pleasure to talk to you"

"shut up"


he opens the door and says "I said shut up and leave me, I had a long day"

"I don't care, who are you to talk to me like that?"

"yeah okay" he closes the door

what an asshole...

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