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Just to clarify a few things. I'm not deleting this account or any stories on it in just not going to use it, so don't expect updates and replies. If you want to adopt this story (continue it) or write a version of your own, please feel free to do so, you do not need to reach out to me and ask, I don't mind if you do, but a simple 'hey, I've adopted your story, come check it out! *insert link to your version*' would be enough for me. I'd also appreciate you linking the original or giving credits to this account if you are to continue it, in case one of y'all become the next uhh what's it called... Passerine 😏😏

Just a fair warning though, back when I was regularly updating this book, I estimated it's finish, like, sometime in late 2022 and I started this book in mid 2021 or so... I've never been one to create a short story, I like PLOT and DESCRIPTION and USING LANGUAGE TECHNIQUES TO CREATE CERTAIN MOODS and LONG ASS WORDS and SOME REFERENCES TO BRITISH HISTORY AHAHAHAHHSSKSKDJD-

I will never be truly satisfied with a half hearted book, while I don't think I am a very good writer, I wanted to at least try make it an enjoyable thing for people with some actual interesting stuff- There are amazing authors across all kinds of platforms, butI think you can really tell that some books are better quality than others. I have nothing against, like, 70% of mcyt fanfics, there is some good shit I like to cry to, laugh to, e.g. but they are all so gosh darn similar I can barely remember which is which- There's similar universes, similar plot, sometimes literally no plot and it's a little confusing trying to remember. I was hoping to create a similar impact on people when they read my book like passerine did because let's face it, if you put passerine next to a typical mcytxreader fic, passerine is probably a lot of leagues ahead most fics in that sort of genre-

I feel like I've read so many but all I have collectively picked up from all of them is Y/N is not like other girls. She meets all the guys. Sometimes she becomes sis figure to bench trio. She has a toxic, abusive and alcoholic ex. Boom, pah, hiya, the mcyt member beats the ex and gets the ex locked away or something. Muah muah, kiss kiss, if the author is horny you might get a smut. The end. I'm sure there are great fics in that genre, but so many of them are the literal definition of ' Hey can I copy your homework?' 'Yah, but change it a little so people don't know you copied.' 'Ok. *proceeds to erase any existing grammar, spelling e.g.*'

What I'm getting at is that if you don't have much motivation (like me), I don't recommend continuing this book. From the outside, it might seem like a simple task, but boy is it draining when you actually sit down to start. I went into writing this book, believing that I was fully prepared to keep writing it for a year and a half, I even began to write another book thinking 'oH tHiS wIlL bE fUn, I wIlL kEeP wRiTiNg fOr tHrEe WhOlE yEaRs HeHe'. NO. IT WAS NOT FUN AFTER A MONTH. AND I ONLY UPDATE LIKE THREE CHAPTERS A MONTH.

Anyways, onto more revealing my plot.


Foolish introduced himself, shrinking back to player-size, looking unbothered with the gold liquid leaking from his broken eye. Charlie recognises Foolish, of course.

(Oh, yah. Charlie recognises Tommy from the Dreamsmp because Charlie is not a godly being, he is just an old, humanoid slime. DreamXD didn't really take account for naturally long living beings, he just assumed slimes would take the form of a block rather than a whole ass player. But! Charlie doesn't know Tommy as Theseus since Theseus died and began the reincarnation loop a couple hundred years before Charlie began rising to the surface.)

As a hospitality thing, Foolish allows the Trio to enter the Nether through his nether portal (in this au, portals to the Nether are now rare due to the fact that only nether mobs/ nether born hybrids can light the portal to actually access the Nether. The exception to that is Gods/ Godesses, they can enter whatever realm they want as they please).

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