The Truth

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Well apparently I need a hug and have good taste in music...

Chapter 1

The fireplace exploded, causing Harry's ears to start ringing. Two days after the incident in the streets, Harry had started to feel weird.

Nothing to major all at once. Just an upset stomach when he ate food, a constant nagging thirst in the back of his throat, sensitivity to light, enhanced senses.

Well, he did have someone drink his blood. Not willingly of course, but still. With the Potter Luck, he was not surprised.

Bloody Dark things out for his death.

He supposed that the good thing about this was the fact that Voldemort can no longer kill him. Keeping his little problem hidden though is another story.

Curses came from behind the Weasley Head as Fred, George, and Ron tumbled over themselves in a heap. He heard Petunia's muffled sob as her normally clean sitting room, thanks to Harry, was destroyed. "Oh dear." Mr. Weasley stood up and dusted himself off as he looked around. "No worries. I can fix this." His eyes landed on Harry who smiled faintly. "Are you ready to go? Got your trunk?"

Harry nodded his head slowly. "My trunk is upstairs."

"We'll get it." Fred and George said together and shot Harry a wink. He suspected they wanted to see Dudley. They came back down a short time later with his trunk as Dudley scurried out of the kitchen, his hands over his bottom as if worried he would have another pig tail. They shot a mischievous look to each other as candy spilled from Fred's pockets, catching Arthur's attention from were he was talking about his plug collection and large battery collection.

Fred bent down to pick them up quickly, stuffing them back into his pockets. "So sorry about that. We had best be going! Ta!" Fred reached out, grabbed Harry's arm and dragged him to the fireplace. "The Burrow!"

They were both spat out and not even a second later, Harry's trunk fell on the both of them. George fell on top of the trunk. "Can you get off of us?" Harry wheezed.

The weight was lifted off of the pair on the floor as Bill and Charlie took ahold of the trunk and moved it to the side. They spent the next ten minutes catching up before Arthur stepped out of the Floo looking rather upset. His eyes landed on the twins who smirked. "I-" He pinched the bridge of his nose. "You are lucky I am not going to tell your mother." Was all he said before leaving the room.

Ron burst out laughing.

"So the whale-"

"-actually ate it?" Fred and George asked rubbing their hands together.

"Yes! It got four feet long before Dad was able to fix it!" Ron was laughing so much that he was crying.

Harry started to look sick, the smell of blood becoming a little much. Bill noticed and led Harry put of the Floo room and into Bill's room. The red head closed the door and set up some privacy wards before taking a deep breath. "Harry." Bill started, reaching a hand out slowly to the quivering teen.

Harry flinched back and against the wall raising a hand to his throat as a sudden burning took over.

Bill backed up to the other wall to give him some space. "Harry. Do you need to drink?" Harry's eyes shot to the redhead in shock but didn't say anything. Bill smiled softly. "I'm a curse breaker for Gringotts. It was part of my training to identify creatures and their magics. I think I can recognize a newborn vampire."

Harry's face paled. That was it. The truth was out and now they were going to hate him because he is now Dark. "Stay here." Bill opened the door before leaving.

Harry slid down the wall. Any minute now the Weasleys would be looking at him in disgust as the Aurors dragged him away. He was to busy panicking to notice the door had opened and shut, not noticing the footsteps in front of him before a glass full of red liquid was pushed to his lips. A pain shot through his mouth as fangs slid out trying to bite the cup. Bill laughed, helping him drink. The elder Weasley was cautious around Harry, somehow knowing he had been turned recently, and knowing that he has little control over himself at the moment. Ten minutes later, the two sat side by side on Bill's bed. "Was- Was it yours?" Harry rasped, licking the remains of the blood off of his lips.

Bill sighed. "Yes. I couldn't just let my little brother suffer now could I?" Bill stared intently at the raven next to him. "When did it happen?"

Harry took a deep, shuddering breath. "Two days ago." He picked at his nails. "My Aunt and Uncle had locked me out again. I had intended on only taking a walk down the street and back, but just as I was going to turn around, I heard footsteps following behind me. I couldn't turn back. I had to go around the block. I moved faster, trying not to panic-" Harry paused, his fist clenching at the memory. "It burned like cold fire when it happened. The git took half of my blood and left me there to die. Then I woke up in my Aunt's garden."

Bill wrapped an arm around him. "I can help you while you are here but you will have to find something else that will help while at Hogwarts."

Harry shook his head. "I don't want to hurt anybody."

They stayed like that until Molly yelled about it being time for bed and they had to get up bright and early tomorrow.

"You want to sleep here?" Bill asked.

Harry looked at the floor. "Please?"

They both went to get changed before sorting everything out. Bill expanded the bed and Harry claimed the side near the window, laying on his side and looking up at the stars. He flinched as Bill's hand petted his hair before retreating. "Goodnight little brother."

Harry heard his breathing slow. "Goodnight." He whispered.

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