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Harry woke up two hours later to his lips on Bill's throat. His eyes widened and the next thing he knew, he was across the room in a corner.

He gazed out at the stars as he tried to forget what he had been about to do. It was just so tempting... a food source right next to him. The blood was good too.

A little taste wouldn't hurt, would it?

His fangs slid out as he unconsciously licked his lips.

He shook his head quickly, a whine escaping as he grasped his head. No. Bill is his friends brother. He couldn't do that to the family...though he hadn't eaten since that little bit from earlier...

He opened the window and leaned against the sill and zoned out into his thoughts.

He hissed suddenly as the sun hit his face. The sun wouldn't kill him but it does burn after a while. If he is out in it for more than an hour, he would be burnt to a crisp. Just as he backed away from the window, Molly's voice yelled up the stairs. "It's time to get up! We have to leave soon!" Groggy voices answered back saying okay.

Bill rolled over with a groan and stretched, Harry's eyes tracking the movement of his artery, eyes glowing just a bit brighter. Bill's eyes caught the vampire's before he face palmed. "I am so sorry Harry. I meant to wake up a little earlier." He pointed his wand at the Boy Who Lived. "Stupefy!" Bill stunned him, before quickly grabbing the cup from yesterday and slicing open his wrist deep enough to leave a steady stream of blood until the cup was full. "Episkey." He healed his wrist before once again pointing his wand at the raven. "Reneverate."

Immediately the green eyes moved to the cup and Bill handed it to him slowly before leaving the room. "Bill, is Harry up?" Ron asked outside the door.

"Yes he is." Bill answered and a hand touched the doorknob and was about to turn it. "He is getting dressed. I left to give him some privacy."

The hand released the doorknob. "Oh. I was hoping to talk to him before we left since we couldn't yesterday." The younger Weasley said in a dejected tone of voice.

Harry glanced at the now empty cup before hurriedly getting changed, his mind much clearer now that his starvation has been taken care of. Harry opened the door and walked down the hall. "Good morning everyone!" He said cheerfully.

"I see someone is excited to see the cup." Arthur chuckled. "Who do you guys think will win?"

Ron looked up about to go full on Quiditch geek. "Definitely Bulgaria! They have Krum!"

Hermione and Harry looked at each other then turned a confused look to the Weasley who was geeking out. "Who's Krum?" They asked in sync.

"Only the greatest Seeker alive!" Ron gushed, before seeming to realize what he had said. He turned a sheepish look to Harry. "Sorry mate."

Harry pouted. "And here I thought we were friends." He pretended to hang his head and dragged his socked feet to the table.

Ron followed after him. "Harry! I didn't mean it like that! I'm sorry!" Ron pleaded not wanting his friend to be upset. Harry hid his grin and ignored him for a moment longer. "Everyone knows that you are the youngest Seeker in the century! The youngest and the best! Please dont be mad at me?"

Harry turned around with a grin. "I'm just messing with you. Its fine."

Ron looked between Hermione and Harry before he pouted when he seen the mischievous grins on both. "That wasn't nice mate."

Hermione smiled wider. "He never said he was nice. Come on, let's eat."

No one noticed when Harry swapped his plate with Ron's once it was empty. He stood up to place it in the sink. "I am going to check my things one more time. I'll be back."

Mrs. Weasley smiled. "Okay Harry dear. We will be leaving in thirty minutes so be sure to be back here before then."

Harry smiled and nodded before heading back upstairs. Fred and George looked at each other before they stood up as well. "We have to grab a few things as well."

The Weasley Matriarch frowned in disapproval. "I told you boys to be ready two days ago. You are always doing this. Most of the time, you forget something or you are late."

Fred and George just grinned at each other and raced off. The two red heads headed to Bill's room and opened the door. Harry was standing just out of reach of the sun as he stared out the window. "Nothing is going to be the same anymore." Harry whispered.

Fred ushered George in and closed the door. "Well, Harrikins-"

"At least-"

"You have-"

"Us." They finished together.

Harry turned his bright green eyes on them. "Yeah. I guess I do." The corner of his lip quirked up.

George got out his wand and pretended to jab at the sunlight. "Begone foul sun!"

Fred pulled his out too. "Thou light hath not been wanted!"

Harry just giggled at them. George straightened up and put his wand away. "But seriously Harry. Come to us if you need anything. If you are hungry. Or just anything at all."

"We will help our little brother." Fred added.

Harry held his breath and pulled them into a hug. "Thanks guys. You dont know how much this means to me."

Mrs. Weasley shouted up the stairs again. "It's time to go!"

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