The Cup

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"Okay guys. We have a bit of a walk ahead of us to reach the portkey on time." Mr. Weasley ushered everyone outside into the still rising sun and Harry flinched.

Bill winked at him before conjuring one of those umbrellas that fancy rich woman used and walked beside Harry so he was shaded.

"Bill! That isnt what Muggles do!" Mrs. Weasley scolded. She had decided to walk with them but would not be joining them at the cup, thank goodness.

Hermione snickered a little. "Actually, a few do. The really pale muggles who burn easily and the really rich ones."

Harry, lost in thought, turned to Bill and asked a question. "So how does everyone get there without all of the muggles noticing?"

Bill responded quietly. "It is an organizational issue. Wizards don't have a big enough space to host something that big, so we put a bunch of anti-muggle charms around an area big enough and scatter our times of arrival." All through Bill's explanation, they had climbed Stoatshead Hill which is where the Portkey was.

Mr. Weasley clapped his hands. "Good job everyone! We have ten minutes until the portkey leaves!"

"I am going to head back. Love you all and have fun!" Mrs. Weasley left.

"Arthur!" A man shouted.

"Amos!" Mr. Weasley greeted in return. "This is Amos Diggory and he works for the Department of Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures! And I think you know his son Cedric?"

Harry hid slightly behind Bill and the twins as Amos was introduced. He didn't seem like someone who would take to kindly to Harry's new condition...

"Hi." Cedric greeted and everyone said hi back except the twins, who were still sore about losing last years Quidditch match.

"My goodness Arthur! Are all these yours?" Amos looked around at all of them.

Mr. Weasley chuckled. "No. Only the red heads. This is Hermione and Harry."

"Harry? As in Harry Potter?" Amos said shocked.

"Yes."  He hid a little further behind Bill.

"Ced's talked about you of course. All about how you played against each other and how he one. My son beat Harry Potter!"

"I told you it was an accident Father. He fell off of his broom because of-" Cedric muttered but his father interrupted him.

"Yes but you didn't fall off of your broom so it is obvious who the better flyer was." Amos grinned.

"Oh wow! Look at the time! Grab the boot everyone!" Mr. Weasley interrupted him before it turned into a fight. "Three. Two. One." A hook just behind their navel jerked as they were transported to the field. It didn't take long to get their campsite number and head to the campsite. Mr. Weasley surveyed the spot happily. "Couldn't have a better spot! We are as close as can be. All right folks. No magic since we are all on muggle land so we will be setting up the tents by hand! Of course muggles do it all the time so it shouldn't be to difficult. Harry, Hermione...where do we start?"

Harry who had never gone camping a day in his life since his family hated him and preferred to leave him with the crazy cat lady Mrs. Figg didn't really have a clue but with the help of Hermione, they had everything all set up in no time. However, with a party of ten and the way the tents looked, they wouldn't all fit. Mr. Weasley peeked into one.

"We'll be a bit cramped but we should all fit. Come look." So they did. It was all mismatched and furnished like Mrs. Figg's house, including the strong smell of cat pee. "Okay. Harry and Hermione can get wood for a fire. The twins can get the water. And Ron can straighten everything up in here."

"But we have an oven!" Ron complained.

"Muggles Ron! And when they go camping, they cook over a fire. I've seen them at it!" Mr. Weasley rubbed his hands together like a kid wanting cookies.

And so, Hermione and Harry left to gather wood as Mr. Weasley tried to start a fire. By the time the duo came back there was still no fire.

Fred gave them a knowing look. "Dad's having fun with the matches." Despite all of the broken matches on the ground, he looked like he was having the time of his life. He finally got one lit before he dropped it in surprise.

Hermione went over to help. "Here Mr. Weasley. Like this." She took a match and lit it, holding it at a small angle so it continued to burn before setting the wood on fire.

While waiting for the fire to get hot enough to cook on Ludo Bagman came up to them. He was easily the most noticeable person wearing long quidditch yellow and black robes and facial features resembling an overgrown school boy, Harry thought to himself.

"Everyone, this is Ludo Bagman, the one responsible for getting is these good tickets!" Mr. Weasley introduced him.

Ludo waved him off before jingling what sounded like a large amount of gold in his pockets. "Fancy a wager?" He grinned mischievously.

Mr. Weasley frowned. "A galleon on Ireland to win?"

"A galleon?" Ludo looked a little disappointed but let it pass. "Very well. Anyone else?"

The Weasley head frowned further. "They are a bit young to be gambl-"

"We bet thirty-seven galleons, fifteen sickles, three knuts, and a fake wand that Ireland wins but Krum gets the snitch." George handed Ludo a wand that squeaked and turned into a chicken.

"Excellent! I haven't seen one that convincing in years!" Ludo laughed delightedly.

Mr. Weasley sighed but didn't say anything, knowing he wouldn't win. Harry got up and headed into the tent, not wanting to be outside anymore as his skin was turning red. He stayed in there taking a nap until the sound of a gong woke him up.

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