
45 5 3

Cheap whiskey. The stench of sweat. Tacky bar girls. And an old geezer for a bartender.

Life's trash.

So is my sense of humour.

I couldn't help but notice my surroundings. It was a dreary Tuesday night. The bar was relatively empty, save for the regulars. A few college girls were standing in a corner, giggling and pointing at something. I could feel the hair at my nape prickle. I'd been feeling tingly the whole week. I shook the feeling off and turned around to see the object of their attention and found myself facing a man.

A man with hair as dark as night. His face brooding and impassive. His eyes connected with mine before he looked away.

How cliché.

I turned back and sipped the bitter whiskey. I was on my third when I felt someone's presence beside me. I turned and found a sandy-haired youth giving me a turnover. I restrained myself from rolling my eyes and faced him, shoulders set. "Can I help you mate?"

He gave me a smile, what I supposed was his idea of charming, and said,"Well there are a lot of things you can help me with."

Oh lord, he was one of those guys.

"Look, if you're looking for an easy lay, I suggest you walk away. Don't waste my bloody time. Or yours."

His eyebrows scrunched up before he answered, "Don't be a bitch. I know you want it too. Only people on the lookout turn up at this bar. We are meant to hook up.
"We should become regulars, maybe?"

What is he talking about?This conversation seemed to have taken an abrupt turn. I'm pretty sure he's referring to something else.

But I couldn't think of anything. "Piss off. Go shag those chicks."

He just gave me a shrug, his eyes glistening with malice and something else, before he stalked off in the direction of the college girls who still seemed to be giggling.


By the time I'd replaced my whiskey for a beer, the bar had emptied out except for the blondie and the girls, and the guy with the brooding face.

I placed the bill on the counter and walked towards the exit. My bike was kept just a few yards away from the bar. I would have liked to take a stroll, but exhaustion was catching up. I rounded the curb when a hand clasped my shoulder.

"I told you, we are meant to be together, puttana. "

I whirled around, angery as ever, "What is your deal huh? You call me a whore and then declare that you want to sleep with me? Am I missing something here?"

His eyes darkened a little in the blurry streetlight as he lunged for me. His hands grabbed my waist pulling me closer to him. I could smell his cologne and a mixture of sweat and booze. And let me tell you, it wasn't pleasant one bit.

I'd faced enough of his kind. So instead of crying out, I reached out for the Swiss knife in my back pocket and swiped at his chest. It tore straight through, a faint red line just visible on his chest.

"Oh, feisty. Boss would really like that. Come one darlin'. Come with me. I'll show you the real world."

"Sod off blondie! And get your filthy paws off me."

Either he was deaf, or was clearly lacking mental balance because he did neither and made a grab for my throat. "Just one kiss is all I'm asking for. Before the Boss gets a taste of you."

Urgh. Rapists and mafias. Life is trash!

I'd had enough. I grabbed his approaching hand, flipped it backwards, satisfied with a distinct crunching sound. The guy gave a howl, a long painful groan before his other hand reached out for my knife. I grabbed that too and twisted it, pressing him into the alley wall.

"This isn't over bitch. He'll find you soon enough. And when he does, you'll be helpless."

I slammed his head straight into the wall. His limp body falling straight to the ground. I gave another kick for good measure before I turned around and stomped off towards my bike.

He? Perhaps the Boss? It was time to get away from here.


She left the bar. Without looking at me. Not even once! Unbelievable. I'd been following her for a week now. I don't think she was aware of it.
Her ebony hair had been shining in the dim bar lights, her hands holding the whiskey glass lightly. Her murky green eyes had met mine for an instant but hadn't shown any sign of recognition or knowledge.
The boy had aproched her, I could hear her low, husky voice heat up and tell the boy to get along. Something inside me had tightened for a moment.

As soon as she'd exited, her long, lithe body striding off, I saw the blond guy get up and follow her out. I decided to follow him and the woman. How strange, she didn't even glance at me. Talk about a blow to the ego.

I followed him, keeping myself well hidden in the shadows, something I was always good at. I could see the dark haired woman talking to the boy, an annoyed expression on her face. A second later, I saw him lunge at her. Before I could even react, the woman grabbed a knife from her pocket and slashed at his chest. I saw her ram his head into the wall and realised that she was the one I was looking for. The one everyone was looking for.

She walked over to a Harley parked at the curb. She slung her leg over it, and pulled the hood of her jacket before revving the engine and taking off down the lane.

I walked over to the body on the pavement. His chest was rising but he was still very much passed out. I crouched next to his prostrate form and pulled up his sleeve.

In the miniscule light from the street lamp, I could see the dark tattoo of a bow and arrow with a five-tipped star --- something I could recognise even in the dark.

My heart tightened. Rage taking over. I got up, took out my Maxim and shot two bullets straight through his head. Finishing the task once and for all. I stuffed the pistol back into my waistband and walked back into he bar.

I had to find this woman. If she what I thought she was, then she was in some serious trouble if the bad guys got hold of her.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2018 ⏰

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