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"What do you mean won't stop talking about?" I ask cautiously. 

Malia looks me up and down. "Those stupid guards of this ridiculous fucking prison. All they could talk about was getting some kind of creature. Your name was thrown into the sentences a few times."

"Oh," I say quietly. I suddenly realise something. "Hey! I know you! You're the girl Scott and Stiles saved."

Malia suddenly glares at me. "No, they didn't. They ruined my life." She says coldly. 

"How?" I ask sitting down on the spare bed as the light from the window spills in. It must be about, eight o'clock in the morning. 

Malia sighs as she turns to look at the wall. "They think they saved me but in reality they ruined me. Everything I was trying to forget is tied to my human life. That's why I never returned, I could've at any point but never did, thats what those jerks didn't think about. Now I have to think about the fact I killed all the family my father ever wanted, and I have to explain to him why I was gone for 16 fucking years." She says out of breath by the time she's done.

Malia looks up at me as I sit there in shock. "Wow, I'm so sorry Malia," I say empathically. "I can't even begin to imagine that."

"Yea, it sucks. But so does life so I'm trying to move on." She says dismissively. "Come on, let's go-to breakfast, I can show you around after, but right now I'm so hungry I could eat a bloody cow."


I walk around with some kind named Ollie? Oliver? Yea, Oliver. He walks through the hall explaining everything that is going on, who everyone is. 

"Most of the people here are okay...The violent ones are in the closed unit." Oliver says as we walk down the hall. 

"That's Hillary-- she has OCD, that's Gary. He thinks he's Jesus Christ." He says gesturing to people around the hall, sitting in the courtyard. "Dan. Also, Jesus, that's Mary." He says pointing to a woman on a bench.

"Mary Magdalene?" I ask dismissively. 

"No, she also thinks she's Jesus. You'd be surprised how many Jesuses we get..."Oliver says his voice trialling off. 

"Not really," I mumble under my breath.

"Hey, how come you want to use the phone already?" Oliver asks trying to keep up with my walking pace. I sigh. 

"Cause, after one night, I've changed my mind about this place is safe for me. Or anyone. Ever." I say anxiously. It might've been a mistake to come here, I mean I've only been here what, a night and I saw a suicide which is common here? No thank you. 

I stop as I look around the courtyard and overhear a girl on the phone, her back is facing towards us but I can hear her. "No. No, I think you're wrong. I really think I should tell them. They're going to want to know the story-- the whole story. I really think they should know. Yes, I do..." She pauses. "There are two of them in the building. One of them is standing right behind me..." and with that, she hangs the phone back up and leaves. 

"Who was that?" I ask Oliver as I walk to the phone. 

"That's Meredith she's a little weird." He says twitching slightly. 

I scoff. "You're a little weird, she's a lot weird." I put the phone to my ear expecting a dial tone but there's nothing. "...It's dead," I say.

Oliver perks up. "Yeah. They turn off all the phones for twenty-four hours after a suicide."

I stare at him exasperatedly, of fucking course. "Why didn't you tell me that before?" I ask. 

Oliver's brow furrows in confusion. "Why didn't you ask?"

"Oh my-" I say putting a fist to my forehead,  I drop the phone and walk away. 

"What are you going to do now?" Oliver asks chasing after me. 

"I'm getting out of this nuthouse," I mutter determinedly. 

"That's not really the appropriate way to describe a facility like this..." Oliver starts but I cut him off as I turn to see someone I recognise. 

"Malena?" I ask, the girl turns around. 

"Stiles!" She exclaims happily as she rushes to hug me. I push her back, and she looks confused, maybe even hurt. 

"What are you doing here?" I ask confused. 

"Lydia checked me in. I keep hearing voices and stuff. Plus, I wanted to make sure you were okay, I just got here." Malena says smiling, but as she notices I'm not and her face drops. 

"Hearing voices?" I ask, I hear my voice go up a few octaves. 

"Oh, I forgot they didn't tell you." She says waving a hand in dismay. "We figured out what I am. I'm a Banshee. Surprise." She says sarcastically. 

I look around hurriedly making sure no one heard her. "You shouldn't be here," I say coldly.

"Neither should you Void," Malena says looking at me with a raised eyebrow. 

Her words sting, cutting at my heart like a rusty knife. Void. She thinks I'm Void. She sees the hurt and confusion cross my face. 

"Oh shit Stiles, it's you?" Malena asks studying me. 

I swallow and nod. "The lichen shot Deaton gave me confined the nogitsune, just plain ol' boring Stiles now," I say sarcastically. 

"You're not boring Stiles, you're good. The good version of what the Nogistune changed you to be." She says smiling at me.

"It doesn't feel like that," I murmur. I hear Oliver cough behind us and I realise I forgot about him.

"Oh Oliver this is Malena, she's a...good friend of mine," I said pausing. 

"H-Hi." He stutters quietly. 

"Hello," Malena says kindly waving at him. 

"There you are, god I've been looking everywhere for you-" A girl starts but as she sees me she stops. 

"Malia?" I ask. "Hey, it's Stiles, do you remember me? I'm friends with Scott, we helped you out with-" I'm interrupted as she throws a punch at my face. Her hit got me directly in the jaw and I fall to the floor.

"Malia!" I hear Malena shout. 

" Hey, Malia!" A big guy comes over to restrain Malia and two more guys grab me.

"Hey, what the hell? She hit me!" I yell out in protest. 

"A few more like this, Malia, and you're headed to the closed unit." The big guy says to Malia as he holds her hands behind her back.

"Okay, wait! Wait! Wait! Stop. I didn't do anything!" I yell out as the people restraining me push my face into a grate on the floor. I look down and recognise it. It's the basement. I can't remember where I know it from, but I know it. 

"Enough! Enough! " A voice I recognise calls out, Ms Morrell. She helps me sit up. "Stiles... You saw something, didn't you?" She asks me quietly. 

I nod. "That basement. I've been down there before."


guess who's guilty of not sticking to my update promise? 

me. 😬

i'm so sorry my loves. i've just been sick and school has been so difficult lately. but, I only have two more weeks till it's Summer break for me so hopefully, i'll be able to update more in the next few weeks!!

i hope you enjoyed the chapter.

thoughts?I miss your guys comments----->

a void in the heart - void stiles¹Where stories live. Discover now