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When I open my eyes I realise that I'm strapped down to something. Panic begins to settle in as my brain makes the connection to the fact we're strapped down to bed in Eichen House. I look around the room and recognise it as one similar to the one Malia and I had occupied. I looked around and saw Scott was restrained to.

I look at him struggling against his restraints and scoff. "Do I need to remind you that you're a freaking werewolf?" I ask mockingly and Scott looks at me panicked.

"We're in Stiles' head-" He starts but I cut him off.

"And you're a supernatural creature with supernatural strength. Break free dumb ass!" I hiss at him and he rolls his eyes.

He closes his eyes and concentrates for a second and then I hear the flick of his claws cutting away the fabric of the wrist restraints and then the one across his torso and feet.

I close my eyes and try to concentrate on using my power to destroy the restraints, with great difficulty I manage to pull the restraints apart with my power. I open my eyes with a smile as I sit up and see Scott shaking his head in disbelief.

"I still cannot believe that you've been a witch this whole time." He says and I smile at him.

"You and me both," I say back with a laugh.

We both go silent as we look at the door in front of us. "What now?" I ask quietly and Scott sits up as his eyes move to the door.

He begins to edge towards it and doesn't look back at me. " I don't know. This is my first time in someone else's head." Scott says and he looks over his shoulder at me once to offer me a small smile. "Just stay behind me." He says and with that, he throws the door open and walks through it.

I jump up quickly. "Scott? Scott!" I call out but there's no response. I move closer to the door, but something pulls me towards it, telling me to exit the room.

Ignoring all the common sense in my mind I walk through the door into the darkness.

— — — —

Isaac stands in front of me trailing kisses down my neck and I let out a soft moan. I feel Isaac's smirk on my neck and he comes back to my face.

I smile up at him as he backs me against the wall of my bedroom closet and he leans down to kiss me. The kiss is fierce and passionate and full of longing and lust. I run my tongue over his lower lip and he groans into my mouth.

When he pulls back from me to swiftly remove his shirt I eye him up and down with a smirk as he leans back down to kiss me again but I stop him to remove my shirt.

Isaac hisses out a breath and I lean up and wrap my arms around him to kiss him again. I run my hands through his hair and he slides his tongue into my mouth.

Isaac deepens our kiss and my hands trail his back and I graze them over his spine. His hands linger on my stomach and I dig my nails into his back a little.

"Fuck Malena." He moans against my mouth and I smile against his lips.

Just then I hear a faint crash. I startle back from him but he continues to leave a line of kisses up my neck.

"Did you hear that?" I murmur and Isaac doesn't even pause his kisses. "It sounded like a person."

"It was nothing. We just have to be quiet." He murmurs to me as his hot breath comes into contact with my shoulder. "Very quiet." He whispers.

The crash fades out of my mind and I focus on what's in front of me, whatever it was it could wait for a few minutes.

From afar I hear someone yell out 'concentrate!' and I shake my head. 

"Why are we in my wardrobe?" I ask quietly to Isaac who continues to kiss me.

"We're hiding." He whispers against my neck and I look down at him.

"From who? My parents?" I ask and Isaac just ignores me. "My parents know we're together Isaac."

"Shhh! It's okay. Don't worry." He murmurs against my lips. 

"Hold on, Isaac, we're not together anymore," I say as the realisation hits me.

"What? What do you mean?" Isaac asks as he places a kiss on my cheek.

" We're not together anymore... and you hate small spaces," I mutter and I push his head away from me. "This is a trick."

Isaac looks at me confused, "love, no it's not." He says quietly. 

"This is wrong. This is a trick." I hiss and I turn away from him but he grabs my arm. "Fuck off!" I yell and I push him away and grab the door of the closet. 

Isaac screams out from behind me but I step out into a white room and see Scott staggering away from some unseen place as well. I look down at what I'm wearing and see, luckily, that my t-shirt has reappeared. I look back up at Scott who has begun to run at me and I begin to walk towards him and he wraps me in a hug.

"Alright?" I ask with a smile.

"No," He says as he pulls back from me, "I was just jammed in a closet with Allison." He mutters darkly. 

"Well, I was jammed into a closet with Isaac if it makes you feel any better," I say and he looks at me with sympathy. I turn away from him to examine the room and see Stiles.

I let out a gasp and nudge Scott who follows my gaze and begins to sprint towards him.

He's sitting at a table playing some sort of game with what looks like a mummy, which I assume is the Nogitsune, and he looks up at us and I swear if mummified heads could smirk it would. I run after Scott towards Stiles too.

"Stiles!" I yell out and he doesn't look up.

Scott does the same screaming out Stiles's name but we seem to get no closer or louder.

I stop sprinting and begin to jog after Scott, panting. Scott turns back to look at me and stops as well. When I reach him he's still looking at Stiles. 

"Stiles...is a part of your pack." I pant to Scott who looks at me confused. 

"What? What do you mean?" He asks sounding panicked.

"He's human... But he's still part of the pack, right?" I ask trying to slow my breathing and gain the ability to breathe again. "Just like I was when we thought I was just a human."

" Yeah. Yeah, of course!" Scott says and he looks back at Stiles again.

"So, how do wolves signal their location to the rest of the pack?" I ask, a small smile growing on my face as I remember our conversation with Stiles from two years ago when we first found out about Scott being a werewolf. 

He smiles a little too as he looks back at Stiles and the Nogitusne. "They howl."

He lets out a howl loud enough to wake up even the deafest of people. I cover my ears before the noise becomes too loud but I keep my gaze trained on Stiles. 

Stiles looks up from the board game he's playing and he locks eyes with me. He turns back to the Nogitsune and upturns the board, making the pieces fly everywhere. The Nogitusne lets out a pained roar and he turns towards me. 

I look at Scott just as my vision fades to black and I feel the familiar feeling of unconsciousness tugging in my stomach.

— — — —

okay ngl i had so much fun writing this chapter, but the kiss scene made me want to throw up in my mouth.

i hope you all liked this, i'm going to try and drag the book out for as long as possible but atm we're looking at 4-6 chapters till the end :)

thoughts on the chapter? — — — —>

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