Chapter twelve

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A/N-The second task, creeping around and celebrating

Rose's POV-

An arm went up to my shoulder. "Don't be-" "I'm not," I snapped walking away. I didn't look back. I knew who spoke, the face. My mum she'd looked upset, and worried, everyone from our family would comfort her. Apart from me.

I felt the eyes on me, as I entered the arena. I looked up at the dragon. It opened, it's mouth and roared. Breathing out fire.

My breath hitched. Amazing. It reminded me of why after our trip to romani made me love them so. They were ferice, and beaftuty. They had natruel fire, no wands needed, they would always breath it, no wand needed.

I gripped my wand, the words never left my mouth. The dragon roared attacking me. I ducked. There was a nest with the golden egg. I could've run over, but an anger sparked in me.

They were defending there eggs.

Would this be to out of charcher, to shout out them, to say just what I think.

No. It would make my parents understand a little more, but I had to do it now.

I never not as far as thease people were concred held my tounge.

I yelled, out them. "SCUM!" I pointed at them, making only my anger. Everyone was stunned and sshocked. "You are using them!" I pointed at the dragons. "It's not bad enough that you won't give the goblins there objects which you stole! But this as well for a tourment!" Anger was in my voice.

I flipped them off.

Turning back to the dragon, whilst still side-eyeing, I made my mind up.

I was Rose Potter and I didn't do what I didn't want.

So I sat down, I sat and I didn't move.

I was a stuborn little shit and people knew it. I very rarely needed to be stuborn due to how good I was at mapuiallty people, and sistuaions but I could be.

So I sat.

And didn't move.

After about two minutes and getting blasted with fire, they stopped the trial.

No one cheered and Rita Seeker got only a single comment from me- "No comment."

I walked, off and signed. I'd gotten a zero, not that she was suprised nor cared.


It was later that day. Well all the other idiots were celebrating hurting dragons (poor things), I was investgating. I needed to know why Moody was in my mothers office. The day in the potions room was still fresh in her mind don't get me wrong but since it had been a drop of potion he'd been drinking it wasn't far fetched to assume he'd placed the letter.

It could've been blank any way and just a distration so that he could sneak up and make her passout. And he'd get the potion vial, plus the invisbly cloak and mauders map as a bonus.

Well she thought with a slight smile, he might not be able to get to work.

The promblem was that it didn't make sence for Moody to do this, he put half of the immates that are in Askban there so why do it? So I was sneaking to the Defense against the dark art classroom. I was no idiot, Moody's office was going to have some secruity, the classroom however would not. Dumbdore wouldn't tolrate it.

So after checking the halls to make sure no-one (namely Moody) came by I went in. I knew it was unlikely anything importiant would be in here but still. Didn't hurt to try.

I heard foot-steps but I'd already shut the door. I walk over to the desk. If I wanted to find anything even remotely useful I'd need to look at the desk, and other places.

I opened the draw. I started to feel around. No traps, or false bottoms. But that was unlikely. It was unlikely that Moody would keep anything here at all. If he was behind everything. But he'd have to keep this from Dumbodore.

And that man was smart, and knew hogwarts, and (more importiantly) Mad-eye moody.

I tried just about anything I could think of from magic, to little trap things. Even looked for muggel gadgents. Despite knowing they didn't work. None of them were there.

I checked the ground, and (using a floating spell on a table) reached the ceiling. It was wombly slightly when much to my shock. Ceddrick entered.

"What are you doing?" I twisted around. Despite my suprise I'd become very good at balance when I younger, lots of climbing trees and hiding behind rocks on hills.

"Give me a minute." Cedrick unsuprisily staring at me. Gobsmacked. "Okay," I said. "Your in trouble." Cedrick looked dumbfounded. "What?" "I caught you in this class, trying to find the next test results."

It was kinda filled with holes but still. "Now get out of my way, and leave with me, and I'll forgot all about this." My hand went to his shoulder and I marched him out hand on his shoulder.

"Bye.' I said giving him a two finger wave. It was something that a muggel on a show I watched it looked cool and I've wanted to do it. Welp! One more thing thing off the bucket list before I kick the the bucket. Another muggle thing.

But why had Cedrick gone in?

A/N- RIP Cedrick. Sorry this was so short. 

Rose of blood, and darkness- Harry pottergirl who lived AUWhere stories live. Discover now